Mark's POV
When I woke up, I rubbed my eyes, trying to get them to adjust to the brightness. I cracked an eyelid open, to see where I was, causing my eyes to shoot completely open.
Around me was a forest, with light trying to sneak through the intertwined branches, as to bathe the ground in its warmth. Directly ahead of me, through the trees, I could see a clearing filled with targets. Stuck in the center ring of each target were different varieties of knives, with a hole at the end of the handle, a triangular shaped blade resting on the shoulders of the handle.
My eyes widen slightly, seeing a knife coming directly at me. Before I even knew what had happened, my body moved.
I was suddenly on the opposite side of the knife from where I had been, grasping the handle tightly.
I look right quickly, after hearing some rustling in the bushes. Out hopped 4 people, 2 of them wearing bright green spandex suits, with bowl cut hairdos, and MONSTER eyebrows.
Alongside them is a guy with a white shirt, long brown hair reaching his back, and white eyes with no pupils. There is also a girl wearing a pink shirt, pouches along her waist, and brown hair picked up in two buns.
I could tell it was the guy with no pupils who had thrown the... Knife, thing. The way he looked at my hand around it was priceless, completely shocked, as if he wasn't expecting me to catch it.
Like I could either.
Anyway, the girl was just staring at me. Of course she was. Ugh! Why couldn't they just stop looking at me like that, god!
The older guy of the group, one of the guys in spandex, came over to me, looking at me with hints of suspicion and curiosity. I could tell he wanted to say something, but just didn't know how. So I decided to start a conversation myself.
"Is there something you want to ask me, or are you just going to stand there all day?" I questioned, not at all intimidated by his size, and frankly, I was getting annoyed that he was just looking at me.
"Um, yes," He started, looking surprised that I had just asked him that. "Well, who are you?"
"Marcus Summerfield, or Mark for short."
"Well then Mark, what are you doing out here? This is usually where we come to train, and we thought you were an enemy ninja sneaking into our village."
Wait, ninja? Where am I exactly?
"Well, that's the thing, I don't know why I'm here or where this is." I told him, motioning around me as I spoke.
"You don't? Well this is a part of the beautiful forest surrounding the village hidden in the leaves, Konohagakure, or Konoha!"
"Konoha?" I asked, confused. "Never heard of it."
"Oh, well Konoha is a village in the land of fire. There are also many other lands, but only 4 other lands have hidden villages, and therefore, ninja in great quantities." He told me, proud he had told me all that, considering I don't even know where this place is. Either that, or he was proud that he managed to remember all of that. I'm going to go with the latter though.
Before I could stop myself, I looked over at the boy... Or girl, with really long hair. I'll go with boy for now though. I could see him glaring at me, and I snapped.
"Okay, what's your problem? Like, seriously, I haven't even done anything, and you glare at me like there's no tomorrow, and it's starting to piss me off. So what gives?" I demanded to know, glaring at him with so much hatred, his lilac white eyes widened visibly. But as fast as it happened, his eyes went back to normal.

Some guy attacked me and now I'm in Naruto(a Naruto fanfic)
FanfictionMarcus Summerfield, or "Mark" didn't have a family, and has never fit in anywhere. He was always moving around, never staying in one place too long, 'cause he always thought he would get hurt cause his foster families usually beat him. He finally en...