Mark's POV
As we land in front of Tazuna's house, my clones salute, before disappearing into puffs of smoke.
We walk into the small building, to see Kakashi still sleeping, with Tazuna by his side. In the kitchen, Tsunami is cleaning some dishes from earlier, seeing as when we got here she had to look after Kakashi.
I sit down next to Kakashi, thinking back to the masked kid.
Now let's see, first, he was observing our battle from the trees, and when we were about to finish off Zabuza, he jumped in. Second, he carried off Zabuza's body, even though all he needed was the head. Third, the acupuncture needles he used as a weapon. Put all that with the large possibility that he will have a thorough knowledge of human anatomy, and you get..."
"I was right..." I whisper to myself, figuring out what it all means.
Hearing my little outburst, Tazuna looks over at me, curiosity plastered all over his face.
"What was that Mark?" He asks, though I do not reply.
I watch Kakashi as Naruto and Sakura go to try and lift off his mask. As their fingers touch the mask, Kakashi's uncovered eye flies open, knocking back the 2 idiots.
Seeming to somehow know Kakashi has woken, Tsunami walks in as she hangs her towel.
"Are you awake Master?" She asks, as I see the look of intense concentration on his face.
"You figured it out yet Kakashi-sensei?" I ask him, making everyone but him look at me.
"Yeah..." He replies, still thinking.
"What's wrong Master Kakashi, Mark?" Naruto asks, as Kakashi speaks up.
"Hmm, of course, the Shinobi hunters who manage corpse disposals are supposed to destroy the bodies of those they kill at once, right on the spot."
"So what?" Sakura asks, not really giving a shit.
"Don't you get it? How did the kid in the mask dispose of Zabuza's corpse?"
"Huh? how should I know?! He took the body with him."
"Yes he did, even though all he needed to take home as proof he'd made the kill was the head! And, there is the mystery surrounding the weapons that the hunter used to dispatch his prey."
As all is silent, I notice Sasuke's eyes widen slightly, before realizing the truth.
"No way..." Sasuke mumbles.
"Yes way!"
"What the hell nonsense are you all mumbling on about?" Tazuna asks nervously.
"That it's likely... Zabuza is still alive!"
"Actually Kakashi-sensei," I speak, gathering everyone's attention. "I know for a fact, that he IS alive."
"What the heck are you talking about!?!?" Naruto demands, freaking out.
"But Master Kakashi," Sakura asks, quite confused. "You checked to be sure Zabuza was dead, didn't you?!!"
"I made sure of it, but, a deathlike trance could have created a very convincing illusion of the real thing. Those acupuncture needles that Shinobi hunter used can be deadly, if they hit a vital spot. If not, the mortality rate is surprisingly low. And remember, they were originally designed as medical treatment tools."
"Besides," I point out as everyone looks over. "Someone like that would probably have a thorough knowledge of the human anatomy. It would probably be easy for them to put someone into a near death state without doing much damage to the body. Plus, when Zabuza and Kakashi-sensei had their water battle, I noticed him hiding in the trees."
"Exactly. First of all, the masked boy went to all the trouble of lugging off Zabuza's heavy carcass. Secondly, the acupuncture needles he used as weapons, while potentially deadly, can also be used to inflict non-mortal injury. These 2 points suggest that the kid's objective was to give the illusion of killing Zabuza, while he rescued him. Things may be just the way they seemed, but we have to consider the other possibility."
"Aren't you just complicating things by over-thinking them?" Tazuna asks, doubtful of our newfound discovery. "Shinobi hunters are supposed to hunt outlaw Shinobi, right?"
"Usually, but ignoring something that smells this fishy is a great first step, to being caught completely unprepared, and preparation is a Shinobi's most important skill!"
"Oh well! Whether Zabuza is dead or alive, there may still be more and even deadlier ninja in the service of your enemy Gatô."
"Master!" Sakura, of course, just had to start asking questions on such a simple topic. "You said 'Preparation is a Shinobi's most important skill' but right now you can't even move. What are you going to do?"
"Heh heh... I'm going to increase your training schedule!"
I begin to wonder how he's going to manage that, considering he can barely move, but he should figure something.
I hear Kakashi talking about how this will just be in place until he can take over, but otherwise, I'm not even listening. Subconsciously, I begin sensing for anyone, when I feel a small person walking down the stairs. I don't pay attention as he walks in and as Naruto chases after him.
My thoughts drift to Dave, and how they are reacting to me being gone so long. Were they looking for me? Had they just decided to move on, or is there a nation-wide search going on right now.
As Naruto returns, a large crash in the kitchen breaks me out of my thoughts. I hear Tsunami scream, and dash into the kitchen. I look at Tsunami, to see her pointing at the floor. I follow her hand and...
There, sitting in the middle of the kitchen, is the person I thought I would never see again. Taller, and slightly more fit, but definitely the same person.
The man looks around, and spots me, with bright, orange eyes. Eyes just like mine.
He stands, and takes a few steps towards me. I feel Naruto and Sasuke tense beside me, but I step forward as well, making them relax slightly.
The man looks me over with wide eyes, before saying something only one person that looks like this could.
I gasp, before releasing my breath and replying.
And that is the finished chapter 13!
Sorry it took so long, but I have the app version of wattpad, and whenever I would finish the chapter it would delete almost all of my progress.
Now that the chapter's finally finished, I'll get 14 done as fast as I can.
Hope you enjoyed!
Fan! (or follow, whichever it is. I'll just say fan)
MegaM00se31! :|
P.S. That's a Sasuke face, just so you know.

Some guy attacked me and now I'm in Naruto(a Naruto fanfic)
FanfictionMarcus Summerfield, or "Mark" didn't have a family, and has never fit in anywhere. He was always moving around, never staying in one place too long, 'cause he always thought he would get hurt cause his foster families usually beat him. He finally en...