Chapter 8

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Mark's POV

I woke up about two hours later than when we were supposed to meet, knowing that Kakashi wouldn't be there yet.

I got ready and went downstairs, preparing a nice hearty breakfast for myself. I didn't even care that he told us not to. He just didn't want us to have any energy.

I got all of my weapons, not leaving anything, before leaving the house and locking the door behind me.

I ran to the training field within five minutes, and I wasn't even trying. As I got to the field, I noticed that Kakashi wasn't there yet. Surprise surprise.

As I walk over, Sakura and Naruto look up, before growing anime veins. I noticed Sasuke try to look uninterested, though failing miserably.

"Mark!" Sakura and Naruto scream, pointing their fingers at me. "You're late!"

"Yeah, so?" I began, not really caring about them. "Is Kakashi-sensei here yet?" I ask making them pause and sweat drop.

"I guess not..." Sakura mumbled, before Naruto started nodding enthusiastically.

"See, my point exactly." I said, about to leap up into a tree when I felt Kakashi's presence approaching. Finally, this stupid thing is about to start.

I turned towards Kakashi's direction at the moment he landed in front of us.

"Good morning, class!" Kakashi said, making me face palm, while Sakura and Naruto got angry white eyes.

"You're late!!!!" They shouted, while Sasuke and I just stood there looking cool.

"Guys, shut up please?" I asked them with a very sinister closed eye smile.

"Well, a black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way around." He explained, making me sweat drop.

"I call bullshit!!" I muttered, though everyone heard me, of course.

"Anyway, I've set this alarm to go off at noon." He told us while setting down an alarm clock. Suddenly, he reached into his vest and pulled out 3 small bells.

"I have here 3 small bells.... Your challenge is to steal these from me before the timer sounds."

"Anyone who fails doesn't get any lunch. Instead, you will be tied to that tree stump, so I can eat your lunch in front of you." He explained, motioning to 4 small stumps as the others realized why he didn't want us to eat breakfast.

"All you need is just one bell a piece. But since there aren't enough to go around, one of you is definitely headed for the stump."

"And whoever that is will be the first of you to fail. One of you is on your way back to school... And disgrace."

"Ooooooh. Scaaaarryyy." I muttered sarcastically, making Kakashi smirk slightly, though it faded in less than a second.

"You may, if you choose, use shuriken." He continued. "Attack as though you mean to kill or you'll never stand a chance." He finished, making Sakura gasp.

"But.." She started, making me believe she was stupid. "But that's so dangerous." She said, making me face palm.

"You couldn't even dodge an eraser!" Naruto yelled, quite obnoxiously, might I add. "You're gonna get yourself killed!"

"Only the weak speak loudly." Kakashi spoke with a sigh. "Now, let's forget the dunce, and we'll start on my signal." He explained, making Naruto grow an anime vein in a fit of rage.

He suddenly grabbed his kunai and began to dash at Kakashi, but he ran behind Naruto and pinned the kunai to the back of his head.

"Not so fast. I didn't say 'Go'." He said, while I noticed the others looking at him in awe. He didn't go that fast.

Some guy attacked me and now I'm in Naruto(a Naruto fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now