Chapter 4

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I walk through school the rest of the day in a blur of fluorescent lights and paper. When the bell rings, signaling the end of the day I’m the first one to rush out of class. I practically sprint towards my locker. I can’t wait to go home and snuggle into bed with a pair of comfy pajamas. Then it hits me and I slow down considerably. Stacy’s party.

Why did I have to agree to something so stupid?

Everything around me is ignored as I try to think of an excuse to get me out of going. All of a sudden I smack into something hard and solid. Before I hit the ground a pair of strong arms catches me and stands me up right.

I am mentally preparing a string of obscenities to yell at my attacker until I look into a pair of bright green eyes. My tongue feels thick and dry in my mouth. Any coherent thoughts I had a minute ago, fly out of the window as I look up into Alex’s face.

Alex is staring right back at me and still hasn’t removed his arms from around me. As soon as I realize this, a blush creeps up my neck and I clear my throat. Alex seems to realize too, because he instantly lets me go and takes a step back.

“Umm...yeah. Sorry ‘bout that,” he says.

Oh my god. His accent is enchanting. I don’t even know what type of accent it is, but it sounds like a cross between British and Irish. How did I not notice it this morning? His voice is smooth and velvety, like chocolate.

“Um… I-I-It’s okay” I stutter. I mentally smack myself in the face for sounding so stupid.

“Yeah.” Wow. Can it get anymore awkward?

“So… are you going to Stacy’s party?”

“I don’t think so. I mean, I don’t really know her.”

“Oh… duh. You just moved here. I guess by going you could meet new people. Unless you don’t want to meet new people. You could be an anti socialist. Oh god that was insensitive.” I clamped my hand over my mouth to stop rambling

I hope he doesn’t think I’m some freak.

Then he does the most amazing thing. He laughs.

Oh. My. Sweet. Baby. Jesus. His laugh makes his voice pale in comparison. Its like comparing nails on a chalkboard to an angel playing a harp.

I realize he’s staring at me and consciously close my mouth because I’m pretty sure I’m drooling.

“You’re gonna be there, right?” He asks. I nod. “Then I might show up. At least I’ll know one person there.”

He said he’ll show up. For me.

The butterflies in my stomach are going crazy. I really hope I don’t puke on him. I haven’t felt like this since Logan first walked up to me and asked me to the winter formal. Did I have a crush on the foreign exchange student?

He starts to walk off down the hallway, before he stops and turns around again.

“Bye, Anna.” he smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes.

It’s not until I’m driving home with Sarah, that I realize I never told Alex my name.


“Sarah, I’m  not going to wear that skimpy piece of cloth.” I sneer in disgust as I stare at the barely-there red dress in her hands. We’re standing in my room, while going through a bag of her older sister’s clothes Sarah had brought. Let’s just say that her sister’s not the most conserved person out there.

“Anna,” she exasperates.

“Don’t ‘Anna’ me. I’m not going to wear the dress”

“Come on Anna. Think of how good you’ll look in this dress. Think of what Logan will say when he sees you in this dress. I mean you’re my best friend and I love you, but you’re boyfriend only ever sees you in jeans and t-shirts.”

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