Chapter 6

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"Do you need a ride?" He asks me. As soon as the words leave his mouth, his eyes flash red in the darkness. Maybe I'm just seeing things. Yeah that's probably it, I did drink a little at Stacy's party.

I just stand there and look at him. The unbelievable irony in this situation is maddening. I was just wishing for him to come and rescue me. Why am I hesitating?

The truth is I can't shake the undeniable feeling that something's not right with him.

"Um...I don't know." I replied

"Come on, Anna. It's midnight and you're walking around in an unfamiliar neighborhood."

"Of course it's unfamiliar to you, you just moved here. I lived here my whole life. What if I live in this neighborhood?" I challenge him. The fact that he keeps figuring out information even though I don't tell him is getting weird.

"Why would you flag down a car in your own neighborhood? Also I'm judging by the state of your clothes that you're nowhere near home." He raises one of his perfect eyebrows and stares pointedly at my mud-stained dress.

Ugh. He's done it again. He made me look stupid. In all fairness it was his fault the first time.

"Anna, can you just get in the car?" he snaps me out of my daydream. I look into his pleading eyes and my resolve crumbles.

I walk around to the other side and open the passenger door.

After my seat belt is snapped I look up and see a smug smile staring back at me. I think I'm becoming too much of a pushover. Everyone has been telling me what to do lately; my mom, Sarah, Logan, and...Alex. I grumble and face the window.

The sound of his melodious chuckle fills the car as he pulls away from the curb.


We've haven't been driving for long before Alex puts the car in park and takes the key out of the ignition. I look around and my house is nowhere to be seen. We're parked in front of one of the newer houses on the outside of town. My palms start to sweat and my pulse hammers in my chest when I realize this is our destination.

"What are we doing here?" I ask.

"I live here." he stares at me like its the most obvious thing thing in the world.

"Oh I'm sorry, let me rephrase the question." My words are dripping with so much sarcasm, I could wash my mud-stained dress with it. "What are we doing at your house?"

"I didn't want to bring you home soaked and chilled to the bone. Also I would like to think that your mom doesn't want to see her daughter coming home looking like that. You can come in and clean up a little before I bring you home.

"What? No. I don't even know you." But I want to, is what I don't tell him.

"I won't do anything. I am well-mannered and know how to keep my hands to myself, unlike many of the other students who attend our school. You can trust me. If it makes you feel any better my dad's car isn't in the driveway which means he's either staying overnight at the office, or out with his girlfriend. I think the latter is more likely." he says.

It's like he's from a different time period. Well-mannered and the latter is more likely; who talks like that? I stare on in curiosity trying to figure him out, he stares back at me. I feel like an eternity passes as we stare at each other, before my phone beeps and the screen lights up.

I look down at my phone and see a message from my social media account that's linked to it. I open the page and see four new pictures uploaded onto Logan's profile. One, is of him and Nate on the dance floor with Sarah. My heart swells and I'm glad they got to go back to the party, because I know they're enjoying themselves. Unfortunately, the next three cause my heart to shrivel up and shatter into a million pieces.

In the first one, Logan and Stacy are grinding on the dance floor, and he has his arms around her. In the second one, Logan and Stacy are sitting on a red coach and his arm is around her shoulders. Her lips are pressed against his cheek and his signature smirk is on display. This causes my chest to squeeze with pain, but the last one is what really pushes me over the edge.

Logan and Stacy are still sitting on the red coach. His lips are fully on Stacy's and you can even see her lipstick has left smudges on his face and neck. The worst part of this picture is the caption below it: #MYNEWGIRL

What does that mean? Are they back together? Is he leaving me just like that? He's probably just drunk and doesn't realize what he's doing. Yeah, that's it. We didn't even break up, how could have a new girlfriend.

Deep down I know It's not a misunderstanding. I know he and Stacy are a 'thing' now. Maybe it's for the best. Based on what happened earlier, I probably would have broken up with him anyway. His betrayal and complete disregard for my feelings still hurts though...

Wrenching sobs erupt from my throat as I break down from everything that's happened to me tonight. A warm arm is draped over my shoulders, and I suddenly remember that I am still in the car with Alex. He silently holds me against his chest as I cry. He waits patiently until I've quieted down to speak

"It's okay Anna. Just let it out." He rubs my back in a soothing motion. "Everyone has bad days. I completely understand." His gentleness and compassion bring on another onslaught of tears. When I'm all cried out, I pull away from Alex and wipe my face with my hands

"I'm sorry I got tears all over your shirt." I mumble.

"It's okay, it's just a shirt."

"It's not okay. Here I am sitting in a stranger's car and crying all over him; all over you."

"Just come inside and we'll have some hot chocolate. I promise I don't bite." As soon as the words leave his mouth, I think I see his eyes flash red again. Weird.

"Um..." I don't know if I should go in with him,'s not like I have any other option. "Sure. Why not?"

We climb out of the car and head toward his front door. He sorts through his keys looking for the one for his house until we hear shuffling on the other side of the door. The door opens and we both freeze.

"Alexander, I thought it was you out here."

"What are you doing home father? Where's your car?"

"My car got a flat on the way to work this morning, so a fellow colleague dropped me off" His father's red eyes shift to my brown ones. "Who's your friend?"

I scream, and the darkness closes in.


hey guys, I finished my English finals last week!!! I'm finally done, well except for math and science *sigh*

any-who, hope you guys enjoyed the latest chapter! Please comment I want to hear more from you guys. ANYTHING. well maybe not anything after all this isn't twitter. ; ]

P. S. picture is of Anna. If you guys have anyone in mind for Alex let me know.





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