Happy New Year!

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5 Years Later

Manhattan, New York 6:50 P.M. EST

On the streets of New York City, an armored car drive through the city in the early evening, two security guards talk, two more are in the back guarding the money.

"Do you think that driving in the middle of the night with all this money is worth the risk?"

'Hey, the sooner we get this to the bank, the sooner we can go home."

"Well, you can go home. I plan to stay out all night, getting a drink and possibly get lucky."

"Have you gotten lucky yet?"


"What are your chances of finding a woman who is into you?"

"You say I can't get anyone to go out with me?"

"Well, you haven't yet."

"Thanks for you opinion, pal."

The driver smiled until he sees an obstacle in their way. There is a sign that said the street is closed with orange cones and some guys in orange vests, the armored car stopped.

"What is this? There was no mention of a closed street on the route plan. Wait here."

The driver got out and went to check out.

"Hey! What's going here, no one told us about this."

Two guys in orange vest pulls out their guns and aims it at the driver.

"Put you hands in the air."

The driver put his hands up and surrender, a van came up from behind as three men got out with automatic rifles.. The passenger sees that its an ambush.

"Guys, we've been ambushed! Call this in!"

The two guards in the back called for backup.

Somewhere on the top of a building, a man dressed in a red and blue suit watches over the city as he got a message from a police scanner app on his phone.

"All unit, there is a robbery in progress, an armored car has been ambushed. Converge on this location."

He got the location on his phone. He jumps off and shoots out a web, he swings to the location.

The two thugs got the driver held hostage.

"You! Get out of the truck!"

He got out and has his hands up, he and the driver are both hostages. Three thugs got behind the armored car.

"We have your friends out here with us! You don't want them to die, open the door and get out with your hands!"

The two guards opened the back door and got out with their hands up, they joined up with their friends. Two thugs got their guns aimed at the hostages, as the rest of the thugs got in the back and seized the money. Spider-Man arrived and sees two thugs holding hostages, he'll need to free them first quietly.

Two thugs outside got webbed up and hanging from the light pole. Spider-Man freed the hostages and got them to get out quietly as the three thugs are collecting the money inside the armored car.

"Take as many as you can carry and lets get out of here."

"Whats the problems? Cops are still minutes away, we've got time to take all the money."

"I'm not worried about the cops, I just wanted to get the money and get out before he shows up."

"Oh, right."

A Spectacular Web Of Justice: InvasionWhere stories live. Discover now