Love & Loss

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Manhattan, New York 10:30 A.M. EST

Peter Parker adjusted his tie for the hundredth time that morning. It was a distraction from looking directly at his reflection, something he hadn't been able to do for a long time in days. He checked the inside pocket of his sack, taking out a folded piece of paper. He unfolded the paper and replayed the speech in his mind. People who were about to speak at a funeral usually felt anxious, depressed, or very intimidated. That was what he was feeling right now. This wasn't the first funeral he was attending, as he had attended others such as his Uncle Ben's. These were the kind of situations that you know could happen but you don't really understand the impact they have on your time and in the future until they actually happen.

One of the many reasons why he offered to take care of all the expenses of the funeral service alongside Dick. They organized as best they could with help from Alfred. The man who raised the Dark Knight had no problem lending his aid for the poor girl's funeral. He felt that it was the least he could do after what had happened. Dick even tried to contact Artemis's sister through Roy, but no luck. Though something told them that she would find a way to pay her respects to his sister.

He looked at himself in the mirror again but this time he didn't look away. He wondered where the time had gone. When he went from being a normal kid to being Spider-Man. When was nonstop tragedy going to end? How long was this going to keep happening?

Peter heard the footsteps of the person with whom he shared his home approaching. He quickly put on the best expression she could. It was not difficult.

"Are you ready Pete?" Zatanna asked, wearing a black dress with long, flowing sleeves. She was up to her knees.

"As long as I can be, Zee" said Peter tucking his speech into his clothes. He felt as if someone was punching him in the stomach. His words were true but the emotion behind them came from somewhere else than Zatanna thought. He was a grieving man trying to talk and keep his spirits up. Peter felt the need to stay positive for his sake, Zatanna's and the Team's.

Zatanna grabbed his hand and they both walked towards the exit. Peter gave her a squeeze to show support. Zatanna caressed his hand with her thumb.


Gotham City 12:00 P.M. EST

(A/N: This music will be played during Artemis' burial)

A large group of people gathered in the Gotham cemetery on what seemed to be one of the rainiest days in the city. Eventually all the guests gathered in front of the still uncovered tomb. Most of them were friends of Artemis and some of Peter who got to know the blonde. All members of the Team were present. Conner, Megan, Dick, Wally, Tim, Cassie, Garfield, Jaime, Barbara, and Bart. Some members of the League along with companions and friends outside the life of heroes. A mother, Paula Crock, Peter Parker, Barry Allen, Raquel, Zatanna, Oliver Queen, Dinah Lance, Roy Harper, Billy Batson, Dr. Ray Palmer, Dr John Irons, Wendy Harris, Marvin White and Alfred Pennyworth. Gar had to cover their metahuman features as best they could by wearing hoods or other clothing for those guests who didn't know about Artemis's double life.

Peter was sitting in the front row facing the grave. To his right was Wally, Artemis's mother Paula, who seemed to be doing her best to hold on and not snap again like when Wally broke the news to her. To the left of the arachnid was Zatanna and finally Dick. Peter thanked him and Wally for helping him take charge of the funeral, he didn't think he could do it alone in his state. The biggest influence on this was asking her to be buried in Gotham, her hometown. He wished he could do it in New York, so he could visit him as much as he wanted, but he couldn't do that to his mother. Peter would use the Zeta tube rigs.

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