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Mount Justice 11:42 P.M. EST

It had been a while since Spider-Man had last visited Mount Justice. Between protecting New York and being a member of Justice League, he hadn't really really found time to stop by and visit. Until today. He had had volunteered to go on a mission with Nightwing, Miss Martian, Superboy, Lagoon Boy and...Artemis.

Yeah, that's right. Artemis had decided to temporally come out of retirement for this mission. Heck, she was due to arrive any second now.

While Peter was to be going on a mission with team again like old times, he was praying that he wouldn't get involved with the awkward and heated tension between Conner and M'gann. It was still unclear why Conner had broken up with her, but whatever reason it was, they hadn't broken up on good terms.

It certainly didn't help with the fact that M'gann was dating Lagoon Boy. It was always obvious from the look on Conner's face that he wasn't happy whenever he saw the two of them together.

"Recognized, Artemis B07" The computer said as Artemis arrived. Suited up and everything.

"Artemis!" M'gann said as she embraced Artemis with a hug

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"Artemis!" M'gann said as she embraced Artemis with a hug. "How's Wally?

"He's...Wally." The girls laughed playfully.

"Welcome back, girl." Mal said.

"Hey Mal. Conner!"

"It's good to see you, Artemis." Peter said.

"You too, Pete."

"I relish this opportunity to finally fight beside you, archer."

"Um... Thanks, La'gaan." Artemis said awkwardly.

"Okay, Gamma Squad, listen up," Nightwing began. "The mission is Cape Canaveral. Covert up to safeguard the first Earth-Mars Comsat. There are people out there who don't even like the idea of aliens... and will do anything to scrub this launch."

M'gann lowered her head sadly but was reassured by Artemis. "But that's why I came back, because not all of us feel that way."

"So why are you and Spidey going?" Mal asked.

"Let's just say that after running this Team for a year..." Nightwing said pulling his glove. "I'm peckish for a little action."

"Plus, it'll be just like old times." Spider-Man said optimistically.


Cape Canaveral 5:30 P.M. EDT

The sun was beginning to set as Spider-Man, Nightwing and Artemis were in the South Tower looking out for for any incoming attack.

"Miss M, link us up." Nightwing ordered. Spider-Man once again felt that telepathic sensation, but it didn't bother him.

'Link established.'

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