
13 2 1

Y/N Pov

It was just another normal day for all of us apart from the fact that we are all living together in the same house, that's it, we were all living in a big house, and there for some reason have room enought to everybody.
I was just there in my room, spining on my chair just like Ranboo always do, I mean, I always wanted to do it to see how he doesn't get dizzy and walks away like nothing happened.
I looked to my watch and it was marking 8:50 PM so I decided to go to the living room to see if someone was there or just to watch random programs. For my luck, Dream was sitting next to a window, the room was dark so I turn the lights on 'cause dah, it helps the eyes to not get blind.
I come closer and sits behind him looking to the computer with an open tab, I couldn't read it properly but maybe it was just he doing plugins again to film with the boys later.
Some time have passed and I was getting bored again, so I start to bother Dream to do anything.

-Dream.. Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream.. Look at meee pleasee, I'm bored.. - I said poking his back.

D-It's it new? You said it like 8 times since you sat there, and now is like 9:30. - I wasn't looking but I know he rolled his eyes to me.

-Oh.. Come on, don't be such a piss, you can't blame me if you just stay there looking at a screen when I'm bored while the others are doing their shit in their room.

D-So that's the problem? Ok, I'm gonna head to my room now, good night. - He says organazing his things.

-Wait Dream! I was joking chill.. I promise I will not bother you, so stay there ok?

I say laughing nervously while hugging his legs to not let him go to his room, in receive hearing a sigh then smiling again.

(Hopefully he didn't get angry by me calling him piss XD)

Some hours have passed and I was getting sleepy, I stand up and look at him, he was so focused that I didn't even bother to say good night directly to him, so I whispers it, and head back to my room wearing a pajama and jumping to my bed starting to fall asleep.

·[ At the morning ]·

I woke up by my alarm noises, it was not the first time that it have snoozed, so I sighed getting up to my closet and pick the nearest clothes going to the bathroom and doing my business.
After finishing I go downstairs that for some reason no one was there and the lights that I have turned on and the notebook that Dream was using was still on..



Where is he?

Sorry for the repetition and if something is wrong, I will edit it later, now I'm just gonna focus on studying 😔 I have tests tomorrow, so take care and byee!!

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