Chapter 3

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I groan out in frustration. I'm so exhausted.

My phone says it's 5:04 am. I should just get ready for school.

It doesn't matter as I've been awake for hours. It's been a couple weeks of living in quiet suburbia, and I'm not used to it. I grew up in the heart of Seattle....loud, dirty, and full of screaming homeless people. Plus, Dad's business meant he had people coming and going at all hours.

Here it's quiet, clean, and the homeless guy I saw downtown was polite.

My bed's too soft...Dad took my mattress two years ago when he passed out and pissed all over his one night. So he bought me a sleeping bag to make up for it.

Uncle Mason was shocked by that one; he was shocked by a lot things in that apartment. Of course, the mold, cockroaches, and used needles didn't help either.

I know I'm safer here, but I still can't sleep. I miss the mess. I miss the guys in Seattle, not all of them, but the attention was nice. The joys of being damaged goods with daddy issues helped draw in guys that were probably not healthy for me. I've met some gay guys here in the Gender And Sexuality club, but those kids Are innocent and kind. I don't want to ruin them. My issues need to be contained.

I'm being a judgmental asshole for sure. Some of the guys are hot and dumb or smart and average-looking. I just need to give them a chance. Anyone would be better than my ex.

"I need to give them all a chance," I say to myself and roll out of bed. I realize how slutty that sounds, but a guy's got needs for sure.

I head to the bathroom for my quick morning shower; Jackson and Bryce shower at night, so I don't really need to fight them for space, which is nice.

I need to give them a chance too, my cousins have really been trying to include me in stuff, but I keep turning them down.

I hop in the shower and start to clean up for another long day of school.

I also make a to-do list for myself.

1. Make plans to hang out outside of the house.

2. Make plans to hang out with Jackson or Bryce.

3. Find a cheap white noise machine and get uncle Mason to buy it.

When I'm done with my shower, I dry off, change into my clothes for the day, and head downstairs.

"Morning," I say with a yawn.

My Aunt and Uncle look at me with confused faces. "What are you doing up, champ?" Asks Uncle Mason.

"I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd get started," I say back and grab a banana. That's when I notice he isn't in his uniform. "Don't you work today?"

He shakes his head, " Theo. It's Saturday."

"Fuck.....really?" I ask, hoping he's lying.

They both nod, but Aunt Tasha speaks first, "you ok sweetheart."

"No," I say honestly. "I can't sleep. It's too quiet here. Plus, That bed's too soft."

"Well, you're not sleeping on the floor. Download a white noise app on your phone, and we can go to the store this weekend for a real one," says Uncle Mason with a smile.

"Ok...I'm sorry," I say out of habit.

"Don't say sorry if you didn't do anything wrong," says Aunt Tasha. "Go back upstairs and rest a bit more. We'll come get you when breakfast's ready."

I head back upstairs and crawl into bed. The app I downloaded has a city sounds setting, so I turn it on.

I lay there listening to sirens and cars driving by, and I start to drift off.

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