Chapter 16

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I've learned to enjoy these little trips to Astoria. Teddy boy always liked the Goonies. I'm sure he's enjoying his new life down here. It won't last but, he's content. But, at some point, Teddy will wise up that he isn't built to be happy without me.

His pretty new boyfriend is a complete idiot, but I can't move against him yet. His pack would be all over me, but until then, I'll make my presence known in different ways.

Speak of the devil the idiot's coming close. I can smell him, but he can't smell me. I made sure of it for these up-close ventures.


"God! Riker shut up," I shout as I toss my book to the foot of the bed.

He's been barking a lot again, and Mrs. Carson isn't home right now. I saw her leave earlier. I roll over to look at the beautiful dumb dog.

I spot Danny in the grassy pathway between our houses. I open the window with a fumble. I'm still not used to this cast after three weeks, "hey!!! What are you doing here?" I ask quickly with a smile. His family was supposed to be down the coast for the weekend.

He gives a sly shrug, "I told Dad that it's my first non-sport weekend all year, and I wanted to hang out with my boys."

"Oh...well, Bryce is downstairs playing Madden, I think," I say back and pull my head back in.

He's quick to climb up the lattice, "shut up. I said BOYSSSSS. You're my main boy. You, me, and Bryce are gonna head to town and be bros, and then you and I are gonna make out HARD."

"Mmmm, I could use a make-out session," I say back with a grin. "Ok. Head to the front, I'll tell Bryce."

"Give me a kiss," he says back and flashes that smile that I can't resist.

I lean in and kiss him, "now go. I have to make sure this window gets closed; otherwise, I'll get yelled at."

He cocks his head, but I close the window on him. I don't know how or why, but I keep leaving it open, and Uncle Mason is over it.

I really don't know why it keeps happening, I check it every time I leave the room now, and I still come back to find it open sometimes. Uncle Mason really only got mad when it was snowing, and my bed was wet. I double and triple-check the windows when I hear the doorbell ring.

"I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!" Shouts Mandy running in from the living room. As I come down the stairs, I hear the door open, "hi, Danny!!!! Theo!!!!!!!!! BRYCE!!! Your boyfriend's here."

"I'm coming!!!! Stop shouting," I yell back.

As I hit the landing, Bryce comes out of the living room. He takes one look at Danny and then me before he shakes his head, "I'm good. I don't wanna be the third wheel."

Danny answers before I can, "Mandy. Jackson!" He shouts into the living. When Jackson pokes his head out, he continues, "come to the carnival with us."

Uncle Mason comes out with a smile, "y'all can go if you're homework's done. You've got a couple of weeks of school to go."

We all nod that it's done and scurry around the house getting our shoes and jackets. Danny just talks to Uncle Mason about the state final last week. I tune them out. They won state this year without me... so that hurts. They won the tournament without me... it also hurts. I didn't want them to lose, but still.

When I come back ready to leave, Danny seems to sense my jealousy about the conversation and pulls me in for a hug and kiss on the forehead. Almost like he didn't just see me upstairs.

"You two can hang out here when you get back," says Uncle Mason. "Theo? Did you double-check your windows?"

I nod, "triple checked them both. So it won't happen again?"

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