Chapter 23

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Walking to my house after all of that seems completely surreal. I don't even know what time it is right now, but my body is about to fall apart.

I can hear the howling from behind me, and I know it's Danny and his....herd? No pack.

Ahead of me, I can hear voices in the backyard, and I and see Riker running around his backyard like a mad man. He's probably been warning me about Chris this whole time.

"Theo!" I hear in a harsh whisper, and I know it's Uncle Mason.

He hops the fence like a gymnast And pulls me into a hug. "I was so worried," he says and then Kisses the top of my head. "So worried. Let me look at you."

He examines my face and neck and pulls me tighter. "I'm so sorry I lied to you, Theo."

I push back and shake my head, "no. I'm sorry." I'm starting to cry again, "you were right. Mom called me. She told me the reason she couldn't see me."

"Is that why you ran away?" He asks, and I see a pair of paramedics behind him eyeing me. He ignores them and looks me in the eyes.

I shake my head, "no. You were right to be mad at me. Bryce was mad cause of Danny. Danny was mad cause I was mad. So I left to fix it with him and then Bryce and then you.....and ....and ....and then it all happened."

He shushes me gently, "you're ok, buddy. You're safe. Let's get you looked at."

I nod and then realize I have a message for the paramedics, "Ummm, Brenden said about 20 people are coming by..., and you'd know what to do."

They smile and nod at each other and head over to the Sheriff's van I saw in the driveway. Uncle Mason takes me inside. I'm shocked to see Megan and Mrs. Madison waiting for me, less shocked to see Bryce, Jackson, and Mandy, and even less shocked when Aunt Tasha tackles me into a motherly hug.

"Oh, Theo. I was so worried," she says and does a quick check on my face.

"I'll be ok. I promise," I say as the others crowd around me.

Megan is last to hug me, "you smell terrible, but I'm glad you're ok."

I smile and look over as the paramedics come back inside. The taller of the two gestures for me to sit down, "let's get you cleaned up."

He starts on my face, and the other checks out my arm to make sure the cast is ok.

I can tell everyone is nervous, so I just say what I'm thinking, "sooooo, does everyone in here know what happened tonight?"

All eyes flash to me. Thankfully Mrs. Madison comes to my rescue, "they all know the basics, but we're waiting for Owen before we got into it all."

I nod and hiss as the guy starts cleaning my neck. He looks concerned for a second, "Is that a bite?"

I cover my neck but know the damage is done as Megan and Danny's Mom look nervously at me. I nod and whisper, "kind of."

The two guys share a look and then turn to look at the backyard. Where a wave of shirtless people are coming over the fence. They quickly head out back, and I look at them all. Of course, all of them are wearing department sweats, so that's what they went to get.

Bryce takes a seat next to me, "hey. I know you went to see Danny. I hope it's for the reason, I think."

I nod and look at Megan, " I guess what I saw....wasn't really what I saw?"

She smiles and shakes her head, "Danny is all yours. I've got my man."

Bryce Laughs and hugs me tightly; Jackson and Mandy come around and join in the love fest.

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