Chapter 11

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"Theo! Buddy wake up," says Uncle Mason quietly.

I passed out when I got home from school. It was a long day of finals, and my head hurts. "What time is it?" I mumble with a stretch. "Did I sleep all night?"

Uncle Mason shakes his head. "Nah, kiddo. It's about 6. I don't want you to have trouble tonight. Plus....the lawyer called."

I sit right up. Dad's been sentenced. He cut a deal and pleaded guilty last month, but the legal system dragged its feet. I know he flipped on a couple of people, so he won't be going to prison for too long.

I gesture for him to continue, and he sighs out, "3 years. One with good behavior," he says quietly. He's annoyed that's all he got.

I nod, " I won't go back to him then. He'll be out when I'm like 20, right?"

"Or 18," says uncle Mason with a nod. "Tasha and I are looking to adopt you so you can have a stable home life...if you want that." I'm shocked that he would want me forever. I'm not worth that much trouble. "Don't say anything yet. Think about it. It'll take time anyways."

"What about Mom?" I ask quietly.

"That's the good news. Her social popped up a couple of months ago in Las Vegas. I'm still tracking down the information, but that means she's alive," he says with a weak smile.

I know it's killing him to not know. But, despite all her problems, he wants his twin sister to be alive... cause then he can save her. That's why he wants to adopt me; to try and save her little boy.

I shouldn't be his problem, though...I'm just bringing him down. I know it. He gives me a soft kiss on the forehead and leaves me in my thoughts.

My phone buzzes, and I pull it out. Danny's hitting up the group chat.

Bro chat

Danny- Theo's birthday is coming up. What's the plan?

"Fuck no," I groan out. I don't want anything special.


Brenden- I'm thinking a party.

Me-I'm thinking no.

Me- ich denke nein

Bryce- only losers know German. I'm thinking a party with the team. The Varsity bros.

Danny- loving this plan. Theo!!!! Come play with us.

I shake my head. I've been out with the three of them ....they become really dumb.

Me- only cause you'll all die without me.

Bryce- says the guy that wants to go on a hike this weekend.

Me- it was an idea.

I wouldn't actually push it. I just really love those woods. Plus, I wanna see that wolf again.

Danny- no hiking, birthday boy. Brenden round up the guys. Party Saturday night. Bryce, get your Dad on board.

Me- good luck.

Bryce- it's a team-building exercise, baby cousin. He'll be fine.

I'm worried about the guys, but I can't tell Bryce that. He'll tell Uncle Mason and cause all sorts of issues.

I decide to text Danny. He's oddly protective of me, and I don't hate it.

Me- please don't leave me alone at the party.

Me- I get weird vibes from some of the guys still.

Danny-I'll protect you, little one.

I shake my head but still smile at his message. I really like how protective he can be of me. It's sweet and not overbearing like Bryce can sometimes be.

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