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Nobody wakes up in the morning and says that it's going to be a bad day. This morning is a new beginning for me, an end to the nightmare of the past week. I believe in signs and just this morning, I wake up to the dappled sunlight warming my cheeks. When I'm done with my morning routine, I went down for breakfast. The living room is empty, as usual Adam has already went to wherever he needed to be. Nana is in the diner already. The kitchen clock says it's eight in the morning, I wake up at seven today, instead of my usual five in the morning. Nana prepared waffles with sausages and syrup for breakfast. I leisurely eat taking the time to chew my food and sip my coffee. My phone beeps and it was Nana. "See you later honey." Things are almost back to what it used to be. Before, I hate normal, I hate my routines. I get bored and unmotivated, but now I loved it and would never wish to change anything because there is safety in predictability.
When I went inside the shop, Noreen was already stacking fresh stocks of our products.
"Good morning. You came in early." I said to her.
"I woke up at 2 in the morning and I couldn't sleep. I decided to go for a quick run to clear my head and decided to come in early." She was still stacking our products.
"I drove by yesterday about 2:45 in the afternoon. The shop was closed." I thread lightly knowing that Noreen may still be in a bad mood.
"Oh, yes about that. I had a personal emergency. This is the reason why I'm also early today, to make up for my under time yesterday."
Noreen is not apologetic, she usually is. Noreen and I spent the morning and afternoon in awkward silence. I looked at her more times than I should trying to see a hint of remorse, but Noreen did a good job of ignoring me. By lunchtime, my hands are trembling from hunger and my stomach gives off an angry protest. I guess I have to spend an awkward one on one lunch with the grumpy Noreen. The heck, I realized I don't have to endure an awkward lunch with Noreen. I should stop thinking about what others think of me. My mental health comes first.
I grab my jacket and umbrella because the afternoon sky is darkened with heavy, black clouds. I did not say anything to Noreen. If she does not want to talk, then don't. I don't owe her anything anyway. I'm tired of people walking all over me and besides I'm still her employer, she must know that she has to put her personal issues aside and maintain professionalism. Plus, what did I ever do to her, to treat me with silence? Nothing.
I leave Noreen without saying goodbye and I did not look back to check her reaction.
I parked my car in the street in front of the Books and Beans cafe. I will have my lunch here and let Noreen eat by herself. Sometimes, I also have to put myself first. I know if we have lunch together, I will be the first one to give up and talk to her like she hasn't offended me for several days. Plus, I'd like to see who has been running the place since Elaine died. When I entered the familiar bookstore, it's still the same. It looks like a mini library with rows of book shelves.  To the left is a door that allows you to go through the  al fresco dining area.  It looks enchanting even in the afternoon sun. The trellis is decorated with pink bougainvilleas that look like tinker bell's skirt.  place is not yet packed with the lunch crowd, well, it's not usually crowded here. I ordered cordon bleu and marbled potatoes and settle to my seat as far away from the door as possible. The afternoon breeze make me feel sleepy as I watch people walking and then I saw Detective Merill. Before I could hide behind the thick bougainvilleas, he waved at me, a stiff one. I hope he won't join me for lunch, when the wind chimes by the door clink, I know it was Merill. He sat down in the seat next to mine already assuming that I'm not saving it for someone.
"Ms. Charles. Afternoon." Then he waved at the waitress to order. The giddy waitress sprints to our table "What will you have Detective?" The tone of her voice sounds like she's flirting. I forgot that the Detective can still make hearts flutter with his strong jaw line and a Johnny Depp in his thirties vibe. "Sweet tea, make it refillable and BLT sandwich." 
"What brings you here Detective?" I said crossing my arms and leaning back on my chair.
"Lunch." He said his voice clipped. "Someone reported about you breaking in to Lucas place. Care to explain that?"
Someone. This someone has been stalking me and I don't know for how long. Maybe it's the same person who has my rosary bracelet. Or maybe, it's Lucas he wants to send a message.
"What proof does this someone have to say that I break into some one's place?"
"That someone saw you earlier today, your car parked near the fishing spot." He fish out his phone from his jacket pocket and saw me by Lucas' doorstep.
There's no point denying it now. Someone is watching my every move. "I was looking for proof that Lucas has motive."
"I understand, you and Elaine are like sisters. But you have to listen to me and let us do our jobs." I should be scared but Merill's monotonous, no emotion face made me think that this is not a big deal. "Out there, someone or maybe more than one person is looking after you. We don't know how far the suspect or suspects are willing to go to keep their identity hidden."
I bit my nails. Despite Merill's lack of emotion his statement frightened me. It never occurred to me that Elaine's death has so many angles and maybe even layers and that the killer may possibly someone I know, or have talked to. The things that people don't say, they can be scary. But, my mind is made up I know Lucas poisoned Elaine.
"I tell you, detective. Please look at the angle that is Lucas. He has the motive to kill Elaine. They've been intimate and I heard him talk to his lover on the phone. It hasn't been a month since Elaine's death and he had already replaced her, or possibly, they've been dating behind Elaine's back." There. It sounded good, I'm proud of myself for asserting my theories to Detective Merill.
"I have to admit that's a good point. But, trespassing is illegal. I know that Lucas is a private person and that kind of evidence - him, having another lover- maybe a motive. But, it doesn't necessarily prove that he is the suspect. Don't worry Ms. Charles, I will note that down." Detective Merill types it in his phone and then we spend a minute of silence eating. It was awkward.
"How is the investigation going? Are there any evidences secured from the crime scene?"
"I cannot say anything too detailed for now until we are sure of it. All we know is that the suspect did a good job of not leaving behind traces or something that can identify him or her. The evidence that we have is the tea heavily laced with Abrin. Aside from that, no prints or any suspicious object that would tie someone to the murder. All the contents in Elaine's bag were kept in the evidence room in the precint.
My palms sweat profusely. I feel like I want to vomit and my head pounded at the temples. I'm sure that Elaine put the balm in her bag that day. She slathered a thick film of the balm in her lips and commented how she's suffering from windburn. I even asked her why she have the balm when I gave it to Amy. She rolled her eyes at me and says that she ran out of balm and that Amy hurriedly gave it to her saying that she's not a believer of salves, balms and anything related to it. She even commented why I give Amy free balms while she have to buy it.
" Did you find anything in her bag that can be tied to the murder?"
"We checked for prints. But, everything was clean. There were no CCTVs in the area. The crime was committed at the wee hours of the morning just  when everybody was in a deep sleep." Merill said in between mouth fulls of sandwich. If I was the one talking with my mouth full, Nana would reprimand me and would say "Where are your manners?"
"Detective, I know you don't believe me about Lucas being responsible for all this, but I've been getting text messages from an unknown number."
Merill stares at me trying to understand what I just said.
"Tell me about the text messages. Are they threatening?"
"Yes, it is. Lucas said" and Merill interrupts "The sender, not Lucas."
"Okay. The sender said he has something that I need and I need to meet with him at the abandoned amusement park or else." And then I showed him my phone. Merill's forehead furrowed as he read through the messages.
"This cryptic messages that you've been getting may not be related to the case. But, if you'd allow me I'd like to go with you just to make sure that we are covering all angles here."
"Ok. Detective. Jackson and Amy are also coming with me. FYI."
"Oh yeah? It's a party then. See you at three." Merill said and he gets up and leave. I have always hated his sarcasm. People have been talking about him, how there seemed to be no distinction between Merill as a person and as a detective. Merill always sees the wrong in people, no wonder he stays single until now. The town says that Noreen has been secretly seeing Merill. Ms. Embry gloated how one night at around eight in the evening, she saw Merill and Noreen holding hands in the forest. I never asked Noreen about this because it is her personal life, but it is noticeable how her cheeks turn red when Merill's name is mentioned. Merill could never be bothered about his love life. There were no more Merill-Noreen sightings after Ms. Embry's press release so the town dismiss the rumor to be well, just a rumor, but the people's eyes and ears remain open for the possibility that it can still be true. After all, nothing attracts more attention than secrets and budding love affairs.
When I drive by Elaine's house, I fish out the powder from my purse and powdered my shiny nose. I took deep breaths because I hate not knowing what will happen a few minutes from now. Jackson opens the door before I even had the chance to knock.
"Hey, are you all right?" He looks worried.
I touched both my cheeks, it felt cold like my hands. "Yes, I just don't know what to expect later."
Jackson did not respond he was looking over my shoulder. I turned my head surprised to see Adam behind me. "What are you doing here? I said surprised.
"I don't know , why you are lying to me about Amy's whereabouts. Whatever issues you have let me stay out of it." His jaw tightens.
"You're the one to talk about lies when you're not even truthful about who you really are, Adam Forbes." I cross my arms turn my back on Jackson, and give him my unflinching stare. I blocked the door"How dare you stalk me?"
"You're the one to talk. You're a stalker too that's why you're never home. And who do you think you are to keep Amy away from me. "

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