Your Sick

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- The Weekly Quota From Miashico

(Is that the word? Quota? English is hard. How do you do it TwT)

Y/N is 3-8 in this chapter


     You were taking a bath in order to relax. Since your mother was Lumine of all people, the only companions you had at your age were the mages and henchpeople. It made you stressed having to pretend to be the perfect heir as they were fake themselves. So here you were sitting in the bath, off in your own little world.

     You were in there for 34 minutes now when your eyes began to feel heavy. So you shut them in order to 'rest' your eyes. But when you opened them, you were in your bed, sweating profusely with a damp towel atop your head. You attempted to sit up, but your head was pounding so much that you felt faint as soon as you did. So you laid there, resting up your body.

     Soon later, you heard the door open and your mother walked in carrying a tray with a huge bowl atop. She walked over and set the tray next to you. "Hi, Mama," you quietly say, startling her. She looked at you with her eyes beginning to water.

     "Y/N sweetie? You're finally awake! Oh my god, your okay!" she cried, wrapping her arms around you. "You've been sick for two days! I should've known something was wrong! I should've been there!" she bawled.

     "It's okay mama. You're here with me now, right? That's all that really matters now." you reassure as you hug her back. After you eat the Jewelry Soup your mother brought, you fell back asleep. Your mother sat there watching you all night and thanking her lucky charms that she can call you her child.


     Laying there in your bed, you just thought about how much life hates you. You were visiting Snezhnaya with your father and you had stayed outside for an extra minute to take in your surroundings. Of course, you got sick in that time period. Your father was sitting beside your bed with his face in his palms. He was feeling bad, thinking this was his fault.

     "If I was stricter with her, she wouldn't have been out in the snow for that long. She wouldn't have been this sick,". These were the thoughts that plagued his mind. You could sense the uneasiness in the room so you sat up, alerting your father, and grinned the biggest smile in existence.

     "Hey, Papa! It's okay! I don't know what's going through your mind...but I just wanna have you here with me Okay? Hehe.". Aether looked up at you with a shocked expression. Tears were in his eyes, threatening to fall. But they didn't. Instead, he returned your kind words with a smile of his own. It was subtle, but it was there. 

     He then climbed into the bed with you, and carefully placed your body in his arms, so he was cuddling you. He then placed a small kiss on your forehead and held you till you fell asleep. Once you did that, he admired your sleeping features and smiled to himself.

     "Hehe. What did I do to deserve a kid like you.".


     He was stumped. He didn't know what to do. I mean sure he could heal but you were sick, not injured. So he stood by your bedside, feeling useless with himself. He couldn't do anything. Why was that knawing at him? From the moment he decided to take you under his wing, there was this feeling that he just couldn't shake. It was whenever he looked at your face, he felt a little easier. Like life had more to it than drinking away again. And how could he repay you? He felt as if he couldn't. As if he's failed as a father, not being able to handle a simple cold.

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