9. The House Party

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"Mark, you think no one notices but I do. I can see you are irked by something ever since you were left alone with her that day the mall. What happened?" Liam asked, looking at his friend's off-face. They were sitting on the couch, waiting for Emily to get ready so that the three of them could leave for Veronica's house party which she has thrown for the Millers. Marcus sighed and confessed to his friend," We went to my condo and talked there." Liam's eyes widened slightly and he asked," Just talked? Are you back together?" Marcus shook his head and replied," No, we aren't together. And yes, we just talked." Liam asked carefully," Are you okay?" Marcus nodded as Emily joined them and then the trio left.

Veronica was nervous at the prospect of seeing him after what has passed between the that day. She was dressed in a navy blue mini skater dress and has kept her hair in a bun on top of her head with a few tendrils framing her face. She was setting up the table when the bell rang. She quickly walked over to open the door. After seating them and serving them with wine as she consumed water herself, Emily asked," You don't drink?" Veronica shook her head. They chatted for a while, both Veronica and Marcus being polite and yet the tension between them was so thick that it could have been cut with a knife. 

They sat down to have dinner, when Liam said," Wow, it looks like you have made a feast." "True, you are such a sweetheart. How did you remember our favourite dishes? My lasagna and Liam's spicy chicken wings. We love you, Ver," Emily grinned as she devoured the delicious feast along with others. Veronica returned her smile, feeling happy at making her friends happy. She wouldn't say it out aloud but she had felt lonely in San Diego as she had no other friends here other than these three. She never had, even when she was in high school. She was always an introvert and also, being the new girl, it was not easy for her to form connections until Marcus. She shook off those feelings and got up and went into the kitchen. Then she came back with the chocolate truffles she had made and served them.

"Oh wow, Mark, you also got lucky today. Now I couldn't tease you that only Liam and I got our favourite dishes," Emily teased. Marcus gave a small smile and muttered a thank you. Veronica looked at him as he ate it and remembered a time when she used to make it with so much live and he would eat it with so much love. Marcus looked upto meet her eyes and said," These are delicious." She smiled at him, feeling her heart fluttering as it always did when he looked at her. 

Emily asked," Why don't you join us for Sunday dinner sometime? We would love to have you there. Unless you are busy." Veronica shook her head and said," No, I shouldn't, it's your tradition and I wouldn't like to impose. And who could I be busy with. You are all I know in this city." She instantly regretted confessing the last part as she didn't want anyone's pity. But Emily being as warm she is, said," No, you won't be imposing. In fact, it would just be like old times. We can have so much fun." Veronica continued resisting but then Marcus said," Yes, you should join us. It would be our pleasure."

This silenced her and she stared at him for a moment and then nodded her head. Emily clapped her hands together happily and said," We are gonna have so much fun. I always missed our going out together andhaving meals together. The movie nights were so fun." Veronica smiled weakly, wondering if she was ready for what she has got herself into.

They chatted for a while, making plans for the next Sunday, talking about the baby and asking questions to Veronica about her life in New York. She smiled and recollected, reminiscing all the beautiful years she had spent there. How she missed the few friends she had made there. Then a sad smile crossed her face as she remembered the last two years she had spent dating Vincent. And how it ended. Emily asked as she looked at her face," Are you okay? I am sorry I shouldn't have mentioned him. It was stupid of me." Veronica shook her gead and smiled," No, Em. It's okay. It was a mutual thing and it doesn't really bother me much. Our ending wasn't really bitter." 

But of course, Marcus didn't believe that. He knew there was something else and he ached to know what it was. But he didn't know if he had the right to. Especially after he had told her that he wouldn't be her friend. Yes, he should let it go even though he was very curious. But some things are better left unknown.


"She isn't picking up. I am worried," Emily said as she called Veronica for the third time as she was never late and yet she hasn't showed up for the Sunday dinner yet. Lucas put a hand around his wife and said," Don't worry baby. It's not good for you. I am sure she must have gotten busy with something else. After all, her workload is quite huge due to her recent promotion." Emily nodded and said," Yeah, she told me that she was quite busy most of the time but it's still unlike her to not inform beforehand." Lucas said," Maybe it was something urgent. Don't worry. Let's have those delicious mashed potatoes I have made."

As the three of them enjoyed dinner jn the typical fashion they had over the years, talking about work, health and events, Marcus felt a little uneasy. He wondered if something actually came up or she didn't show up because of him. But it was highly improbable that she wouldn't inform them even if something cam up. She was always considerate about other people's time. That's one of the things that he loved about her. Then a thought came to him, scaring him. Was she okay? She must be. He should really stop bothering. She can take care of herself, she always has. He told himself this.

The three of them chatted for a while and made plans for ampvie night. Emily suggested that they should invite Veronica to it. Both the men nodded their agreement. Nowadays they rarely disagreed with her as they wanted to keep her qs happy as posssible. Afterall, Emily was special to them. She has been a sujshine in their lives for the past fourteen years and Liam's wife for half of those years. Still the love between them was as evergreen as it was in those days when they had started dating.

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