Chapter 1 (The Stretch With Men)

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ShadeFire's POV (I guess)

Surviving on the stretch is harder than you would think.

Some say a lone Wolf is a dead wolf.

Especially if you do not have a pack to keep you safe or to howl you to ash when You die

But that wasn't true for her. She knows that she could get through the burning desert. Her pace was steady and fast. Her wings outstretched in hopes to try to catch a small drift of wind on her dark wings. Her back scorched with hot agony as she ran across the sand. ShadeFire was exhausted from running for many days and nights leaving no trace of her presence what so ever. She hadn't eaten a full meal since she escaped from the BLU team. She had a rattlesnake or a desert mammal every few days but other than that, she is extremely underweight and dehydrated. "I...can' further...without...w-water." She said to herself while panting and slowing her canter into a walk. 'Why the hell is it this long? Why am I doing this? They'll just find me and maybe kill me. No, that can't happen. They need me. If worst, they'll break my wings in training'  it has been hours since she rested. Besides, it would be mid day soon. She needed rest before she could travel again at night. She paced around in search of a cave or tree, but she had no luck. As the sun rose higher, her hopes were smashed down. Her vision, blurred. Her paws, burned. Her hopes, crushed. She felt like  couldn't move without passing out or having water. Her thin, overheated body swiftly collapsed under the bright fire orb and she eventually and slowly was half conscious.

Team's POV

The Red Bread truck was hotter than ever today. Especially when engineer forgets that he had to fix the air conditioner but was drunk when you asked him. The medic was busy gathering up his supplies in the back while engineer was polishing his gun scout was drinking his BONK! and sniper was looking at the road to the base. Ring ring. Ring ring. Rin- "hello?" Sniper spoke as he picked up the phone. "Sniper? It ms. Pauling. Did you get the briefcase?"  She said. Medic heard this and lifted up the BLU's intel so she could see. "We killed everyone and took the briefcase" engineer spoke. "Apparently not everyone engineer. You left 7 witnesses." A gunshot and a cut off scream was heard in the backround. "6 witnesses" she corrected. (If you get this reference thank you. If not, watch expiration date.) "hey guys! There's something outside! Stop tha truck an look at dis!" Scout yelled. "I swear to god if it's a shdupid bullet in zhe truck again I'm going to kill jou." Medic said as he held his bone saw and grinned evily. "No im not kiddin' guys! It was back there! I think we should check it out." Scout said. "Uhhhh I'll talk later....gotta go Pauling." Sniper said. Ms Pauling gave a concerned look. "Wait sniper-" and he hung up. Sniper then did a U turn to go back to where scout pointed and stopped when he yelled. "Guys! It's here!" The Boston yelled to the others. The others got out, scout being first then the medic, carrying a gun just in case, then engineer and sniper after him. They surrounded the unknown thing in caution. Medic leaned in to see what the thing was and he was slightly shocked at what he saw. "Mein gott in himmel. It's-its alive. Und breathing!"  "Well, what is it?" Engineer asked. "Vell, so far as I can tell, it's a hybrid of something vita a bird, but, it is geneticly imposible." He explained. "In addition, it iz very underweight und possibly dehydrated." He added. Scout grabbed his red thermos bottle and tipped it into the lid. "Here ya go." He said as he put the water to the animal's mouth. "Vhat are jou doing scout? It could be dangerous!" Medic slightly yelled. "Yeah! We don't know what it's capable of!" Engineer agreed with medic. Unexpectedly, the animal lifted its head to drink. The guys were shocked that it wouldn't try to kill them. When it drank, it looked very parched and carried a lot of external injuries. "Well, at least we know it's aloive." Sniper spoke. "So what do we do know with the thing?" Sniper asked. The animal gave him a glare that said if-you-even-f**king-touch-me-i-will-kill-you. He looked back at the animal and gave it an it's-ok-if-you-don't-try-anything. They tried to get the giant beast to walk but it growled at the slightest touch.. The others knew what sniper was trying to do so they helped him manage it. The beast growled and bit engineer and he retracted and hissed in pain. They decided to bind its mouth and have 2 people in the back of the truck with it. After they took these precautions, they managed to get the animal into the truck in the storage with little resistance from it.

No Ones POV

"Vhat are jou?" Medic asked himself. "Well, we know it's strong. That things got a bite!" Engineer joked. The creature let out a sigh and turned its head away from the men. "Frr fksdd skkk" the creature suddenly mumbled. "VHAT ZHE HELL??!" medic exclaimed. Instead of the creature, there was a girl. She had long, black hair with light tone skin and dark purple-blueish eyes. She placed her hands near the mouth binding and ripped it off. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU??!" The girl exclaimed. "But..but wheres the animal?" Engineer said. "I'm sorry that you are dumb, but that 'animal' was me, ya idiots." The girl spoke. The 2 men looked awe-stricken as she spoke. she stared at one spot for a moment then turned into the beast and pinned something to the ground. She growled but under that sound, was a groan of pain. There was a blue figure below it. The blue man grabbed his knife. "WATCH OUT!" Scout said as he burst into the small room with his scatter gun. The blue man stabbed the beast as she bit down on his neck. Soon enough, he was dead. A knife hung out of her shoulder blade like a hook in a wall. "Ah shit. Stupid human." The thing mumbled under its breath. She panted as shiny, red blood slowly poured out of her shoulder. She thought for a second that she was alone but she wasn't. Medic came to her side. "Are jou ok Frau?" He asked. She transformed back. "Yeah yeah. I'm fine. Just a knife. Not the worst thing that's happened to me."she replied. "So. It's an ankle-biter after all." Sniper spoke. "Cant believe a KID did that to ya. She puts your strength to shame!" Scout said jokingly. "Shut up..." sniper said. Little did they know, that the kid had passed out. "Vell. Good luck to is all to explain zhis to zhe others and miss Pauling."  

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