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The next morning rolled around, Emmet was sat in his car as a Brooklyn looked at her school.
"You'll be fine.."

"W-what if he tries to come at me again..starts saying stuff and I won't be able to stop him?"

"Well you walk away, think of how strong and independent you are! If anyone says anything, you just ignore them!" Taking a breath, she but her lip a little before opening the door. Climbing out, Emmet gave her a reassuring smile as she sighed.

As Brooklyn walked through the crowded Corridors, she could feel every par of eyes fixated on her. Students whispered like she wasn't even there, some glared while others stared.
Once she made it to her first period, she walked in to see half of her class sat or stood around the room.

Everyone watched as she walked up to her desk, only to be stopped as some girl threw her bag on it. "This is my se-"

"Not anymore! Go and sit at the back.." swallowing the lump in her throat, she slowly made her way to the back. Placing her stuff down as the same girl from before spoke, a little loudly for everyone to hear. "Fucking slut!"

Brooklyn looked at her shocked, she just chose to ignore it like Emmet said and went on with the lesson as her teacher came in.

All class Brooklyn could feel peoples stares on her, whispering whenever the teacher wasn't looking.

Soon enough the bell rang, Brooklyn took no hesitations to grab her things as she ran out of the room. Not bothering to look where she was going, she felt herself crash into someone's chest. Her books fell onto the floor as she tripped down on her own feet, sighing, she quickly began picking them up as a strong hand faced her. Looking up, she was met with her brown haired friend.

"You alright? You look like you've been crying.."

"I-I'm fine..just in a rush to-"

"Rush for what Cullen?" They looked behind them to see some guys standing there smirking, "don't wanna be late for your fuck?"


"Oh it's already been one minute..Jake's waiting for you sweetie!" She stood there dumbfounded as they all laughed, "well..go be the little slut you are and give him a good time!"

Brooklyn felt her eyes burn with tears as they all laughed hysterically, she went to walk away as Daniel quickly stepped up. "Hey! Don't call her that!"

"Why you defending her Rodgers? She your side hustle as well?"

"No she's not, she's nobody's side hustle, so why don't you and your little 'friends' fuck off!" The guy scoffed, glaring at him as they walked off.

Turning to Brooklyn as she stood there, he smirked. "Once your done with him..come find me and..I'll show you a good night!" He smirked once again and walked off, Daniel turned to his friend as she stood there with tears in her eyes. Everyone around them didn't take their gazes off once as she quickly ran through the corridors tears already falling down.

Daniel took no hesitations as he soon ran after the girl, ignoring all their whispers as the two left the school.

Running up a large street, Brooklyn tried her best not to crash into everyone as they hurriedly past by.
"BROOKE!" Ignoring her friends calls, she continued her walk before eventually stopping in front of her building. Just as she was about to open the door, Daniel ran up and took her hand.
Without another word, he pulled her into a bone crushing hug as she cried into his chest.
Stroking her hair, she clutched onto his jacket.

"You were right.." Daniel looked down at her as she lifted her head from his chest, "about Jake..he was playing me.."


"He kept saying things..Like how he was attracted to me and kept kissing me. I-I wanted to stop him but I couldn't and-"

"Did he..did he rape you?"

"No..before he could take my dress off, I walked out.." the tall boy let out a breath of relief, stroking her cheek as she wiped her tears. "Now everyone knows..they think I'm some slut! Wouldn't blame them..who goes to some guys house and thinks they want to study?"

"Your not a slut! Your better than that..better than them! Your Brooklyn Cullen!" She laughed a little as she smiled, stroking her hair as a loose strand fell down her face. Daniel smiled, pulling it behind her ear as she looked at him. They locked eyes for a moment, Daniel slowly leant forward as she soon followed.

Their noses touched, for a second they just stood there. Looking into each other's eyes, Daniel took his chance. He quickly leant in, connecting their lips as she immediately melted.

Taking her face gently in his hands, the two began kissing in harmony. Both their lips moving together in rythm. Although it was already taken, Brooklyn felt as though this was her first kiss. This should have been her first kiss. She felt a swarm of butterflies erupt in her stomach, placing her hands over his as he pulled her closer.

Soon the two pulled away, just staring at each other. Daniel kept his hands securely on her waist as she had hers locked in his hair.

"Brooke?" Shooting her head around, the two looked wide eyed as Jasper and Alice both stood there. The short haired vampire had a massive smile on her face as Jasper kept a glare on the young boy, also trying best not to do anything he'd regret.

"Alice!? w-what are you doing..here?"

"Did you forget we live here with you?" She laughed, turning to the tall boy as he stood there. "Hi, I'm Alice Brooke's sister! This is Jasper!" He smiled politely as they stood there,

"Great to meet you!" Brooklyn gave her sister a look as she slightly nodded toward Jasper, they both saw how he kept staring at Daniel as Alice now had a hold of her mates hand.

"We'll leave you both alone now..come Jas!" Walking in as Brooklyn sighed, she looked down in embarrassment as Daniel just chuckled.

"I'm sorry.."

"Don't be! They seems cool..although you brother didn't seem to like me..?"

"Oh..yeah he Uh..he can be very protective." Laughing, Daniel smiled as he cupped her cheeks once more. "Oh..right the k-"

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Brooklyn looked at him shocked, yet confused at his question. She was still a little in her trance from the kiss they bad just shared not even ten minutes ago. "Brooke.."


"Oh Uh..n-nothing I-it's fine.." she looked at him, remembering the question as she smiled. Daniel kept rambling some apology as she grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him down as their lips connected once again.

"Does that answer your question?"

"Yes!..but..I feel like I didn't get it properly.." she laughed as he took her waist in his hands, smirking as she clutched onto his shirt. "..so maybe we should try that again.." connecting their lips, the two stood there for about another five minutes. Behind the door, Alice smiled at her mate excitedly.

"I told you!"

"That you did, darling!"


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