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After a long run across a few mountains, Brooklyn made it to her final place. She had been out of the house a few days now, just taking in the fresh air of the different places she left to.

At first, she rested down at New York, since she needed to pay her respects to Daniel's grave anyways. After a day or two, she stopped by a small town near England and took shelter near their Alley ways once it came to nightfall.

Once two weeks past by, Brooklyn thought of returning home but didn't want to see them after what happened. Sure they always had their arguments but this seemed different, her and Esme never argued really, it was mainly Carlisle scowling at the young vampire.

Instead of this, Brooklyn retreated down to Alaska. She thought that maybe spending some time with her three favourite cousins would calm her nerves before she eventually returned home.

She walked forward, taking a breath before knocking lightly on the door.

Kate looked at her sisters cautiously, no one had informed them anyone would be arriving? The woman thought, taking a minute to fix herself. Both Tanya and Irina stood directly behind her just in case anything suspicious happened, they watched as she carefully looked through the door to see if anyone was there.

Letting out an annoyed breath, Kate opened the door widely. Brooklyn stood there, hands in her pockets, a blue knitted bobble hat and scarf around her.

Kate lead the young girl inside with a huff, they watched as she slowly took a seat onto the sofa, not meeting any of their gazes. "Why are you here?" Kate asked, looking at her frustrated.

"Lovely to see you too dear Cousin!"

"Brooke!" Sighing herself, Brooklyn looked down at the floor as the three soon joined her.

"Mom and I got into a fight.."

"Why? I'm sure it's not that bad.." Tanya spoke,

Brooklyn shit her head up, glaring a little. They all sighed, slumping into their seats and prepared themselves for her rant.

"I was watching TV and got mad, so I broke the remote-"

"Another one?"

"How do yo..never mind! Anyways, mom practically forced me to pay her on the spot and said my attitude was getting bad lately. I don't understand, I told her I wasn't in the mood and to stop treating me like a child! I mean, I'm eighteen for gods sake!" Kate held her head tightly, staring helplessly at the floor. "So then she had to change the subject from my attitude to my potential Mate-"

"What?!" All three asked in union, Brooklyn stared at them confused as she took a moment.

"Everyone thinks that my Mate will come into our lives soon since their all married now.."

"Are you worried they won't?"

"No! I know their not..well he.."

"How?" Tanya asked, taking her hand gently.

"A few years ago, before I was turned I met a boy..Danny. I loved him..it was before the whole incident with Bella and The Volturi..so I broke things off before we returned to Forks."

"Was he a.." Irina trailed off, giving her a slight glare.

"No..he was human!" The three woman nodded their heads, allowing her to continue. "After I turned, a few months went by and I fell out with dad since I couldn't leave the house. I left for a few days.."

"You saw him? This Danny.."

"Yeah..he figured out what I was and said he could still see me..my human self. We kissed and I thought I could be with him again, maybe he was my mate. But..before we had the chance some..mysterious vampire bit him and I got into a fight with him..well I think it was a him.."

"I'm so sorry.."

Irina looked at her unsure, "did you turn him?"

"No..I was about to buy he said-" Brooklyn cut herself off, biting her lip a little. Kate slowly encouraged her to continue with a sincere smile. "..he said he doesn't think a person should live that long..and let me kill him. I drained him..I sucked the life out of him and all he could do..was smile."

There was a long silence, Brooklyn holding onto her cousins hand for some sort of comfort. "And because of this, you don't wanna love again?!" Kate asked, earning a small nod in return. Brooklyn felt tears but none came out, she felt sad but numb all together. She felt as though she could just fall to the floor as the tears uncontrollably fell down her cheeks but nothing seemed to slip.

"I don't think I can.."

"..at the end of the day, your Mate will come eventually. That's if this boy wasn't him..and if they do, then you'll know you'll love them. Whether you've met them or not..it's like a sense, an automatic reaction." Tanya told her, Brooklyn half smiled, hugging her cousin tightly.

Another week came by, meaning more time spent apart between Brooklyn and her family. Her cousins gladly let her stay for as long as she wanted, luckily for the three it wouldn't last much longer.

Currently, Brooklyn was stood near the front door, smiling at her three cousins happily.
"Thanks again.."

"Anytime..whenever you fall out with your parents just come straight here and not across the world to England!" She laughed, hugging the taller sister tightly before the others joined in happily.

Brooklyn used he abnormal speed, running across each mountain before she stopped in front of a familiar lake. A sigh escaped her lips before she reluctantly ran across the water faster than a speeding bullet.


Eventually, after about a days journey Brooklyn was now stood outside her family home. Sighing, she walked up the steps and inside quickly to hear muffled voices.

Curiosity seemed to overtake her as she slowly walked behind the pillar, each member of her family stood in their living room as she listened.

"How could this have happened? We're immortal?"

"She's still human.."

Sighing, Brooklyn took a step to her left as everyone's heads turned toward her. Her eyes scanned the room, Edward now stood there with them all as a smile broke its way to her face. Before she could welcome back her brother, her eyes widened as Bella sat there happily.


"We know!..were still figuring it out.." Brooklyn stared at her father in shock,

"How long we're you away for, the last time I saw you both, was four weeks ago! Now you.."

Bella chuckled a little, "eight and a half months pregnant!" Her face dropped, Bella just awkwardly smiled as she caressed her large bump gently.


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