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Time had past in the Cullen household, specifically two weeks. Everything had been going normal for the family, they had researched everyday what it could be Bella had. But nothing ever seemed to come to conclusions.

Currently, Brooklyn was stood in the main living room once again as she suddenly heard footsteps outside, Carlisle gave her a look as he too heard them.
They waited a few minutes before the leaders vampire walked back inside, Jacob stood in front as they all slightly glared at him.

There was a long silence, just the sound of the mans footsteps as he inched closer to his friend.
"Glad you came!"

Stepping forward once again, Jacob went to see his friend as Rosalie stood between them. "Close enough!"

"What's your problem?"

"Rose, it's ok!" Bella told her, watching as the blonde slowly stood to the side. Jacob sat down on the coffee table, facing the woman with a slight frown, almost hurt.

"You look terrible!"

"Yeah..it's nice to see you too."

"So you gonna tell me what's wrong with you?" He asked, not taking any hesitations as she sighed. Giving her sister in law a look.

"Rose you wanna help me up?" The blonde stepped forward, using her strength to allow Bella to stand. Jacob's face dropped, the sight of a large bump on his friends body shocked him. The tall man glared toward Edward as he just stood there,

"You did this!" Storming forward, Brooklyn held her hand against his shoulder. Holding him back as he tried to get past.

"I didn't even know it was possible.." Edward spoke, looking down slightly. "What is it?!"

"We don't know! Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sac." Carlisle stated sadly, Bella frowned as she sat back down again.

"I can't see it either..and I can't see Bella's future anymore!" Alice told him,

"We've been researching legends but there isn't much to go on..but we do know that it's strong..and fast growing!" Carlisle stated once again, giving him a look.

"Why have t you done anything? Take it out of her!" Brooklyn glared at him,

"This isn't any of your fucking business mutt!"

"Brooke! All this fighting isn't good for Bella!" Esme told her daughter with a slight glare, Brooklyn just rolled her eyes and stood back beside Emmet.

"The foetus, isn't good for Bella!" Alice corrected angrily, earning a harsh look from both her sisters.

"Just say it Alice! That thing is a baby!" Brooklyn told her as Emmet pulled her back slightly.

"Possibly.." Jasper spoke up,

"Carlisle, you've gotta do something!" Jacob spoke, giving him a knowing look as the older man just frowned.

"No!" They all looked at Bella confused and shocked, "it's not his decision, it's not any of yours.."

"Jacob I need to talk to you.." Edward spoke, walking past the group as he and Jacob both walked out silently.


The family, including Jacob still were all now sat once again in their living room. Jacob was explaining what his friend Leah told him about Sam.

"Sams lost the element of surprise..and he doesn't wanna take you on outnumbered, so he's not gonna come at you head on. He's got the place surrounded and he'll wait for his opportunity."

"They won't get through without a fight!" Emmet spoke, crossing his arms as Brooklyn nodded in agreement.

"No fights. We won't be the ones to break the treaty.." Carlisle stated calmly,

"The treaty is void, at least in Sams mind!"

"Not in ours!" Esme told him, glaring a little.

"Carlisle, no ones hunted for weeks!" Emmet told his father, becoming more serious as Esme turned to him.

"We'll make do.."

"How long do ya think that'll last?" Brooklyn asked, siding with her brother as they stared down at the floor. Carlisle just turned to the young shapeshifter gratefully.

"You done us a grate service Jacob..thank you!"


Nightfall soon hit as everyone separated into their own things, Jacob soon returned after keeping lookout with Leah for a bit. He, Brooklyn, Emmet and Edward all stood around the lounge as they watched over the now sleeping Bella.

The youngest looked out, seeing how two Wolves stood there watching them. Her mood immediately changed as Emmet walked over, giving his sister a small glance as she sighed.

The next morning hit, Carlisle, Brooklyn, Alice, Jasper and Edward all stood in their library/Carlisles study for most times.

The couple with their adoptive father looked through countless books as the other two searched online, Brooklyn placed a gentle hand on her brothers shoulder as they began reading on Immortal Babies. She sighed, watching as Edward shot up from his seat and stormed out without another word. The fiery haired woman just took his seat and continued with their research.

A few days had now past, still everyone was keeping up to date with what they needed to do. Carlisle along with Alice and Jasper continued researching on the possible outcomes for Bella's future, Jacob, Seth and Leah always on watch for Sam and his Pac.

Edward tried his best to help with his wife but just looking at her made him hate this whole situation more. Made him despise that thing growing inside of him, day and night it haunted him.

Currently, Brooklyn was stood with her sisters bar Alice preparing Bella's bath. The brunette slowly stood from her seat, pulling down her dressing gown slowly as she examined herself.

Edward walked up, wanting to see how she was this morning but once his eyes saw her, he immediately froze. His face completely dropped, their eyes meeting as she glanced through the large mirror.

Brooklyn looked over, sighing, she gave him a look and slowly shut the door. Edward didn't bother to move. He was to sick to his stomach, his wife was in pain and there was nothing he could even do to help.


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