Chapter 2. Death Is Only A Memory.

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    I awoke with a start. When my sister’s were killed I knew what happened. I knew that they were both dead I just didn’t know how. As I kept getting older I kept getting more dreams, then they stopped. Now as I sat in my room, the night whispering outside, why did I all of a sudden have a dream again?

    “Just a dream, nothing can hurt you from a dream.”

    Deciding that I couldn’t go to bed since I was, well you know, had just awoken I decided to go over my school shopping list. It was basic stuff like pens, paper, ruler, blah, blah, blah.

    “Oh, they want me to buy a tent? What kind of class is this?” I asked myself silently.

    “It’s the kind of class where the student goes to bed.”

    Half jumping out the window and half grabbing my gun from under my pillow I stood up.

    “DUDE!!! Way to scare me!”

   No response.

    “Mom, you ok?” I asked while she was looking at the gun. Why did she look so, how do I put it, crazy? It’s not like I would shoot her with the gun. Not even if I was paid to. Theirs a fine line between defense and crazy.

    “You know how I feel about guns,” she rasped. “and how they kill people. I told you never to get a gun and yet you disobey me!” she started to pant. “your just like HIM! Your-your going to kill me.”

    “Why would I ever do such a thing!”

    Before she could explain what she meant she went back to her bedroom. Ever since my siblings death she has acted weird. She kept saying that “we all deserve it.” Or some crazy thing like that. She’s said so many things by now it’s hard to even remember one.

    “Mom, I’m not going to kill you?” Behind the door came a click.

    “Mom?” Another click. What was she doing.

    “GET AWAY OR I’LL SHOOT!!” An unusual high pitched scream came from the room.

    Ok, mom wants to be really left alone.


    “No need to scream, I’m right behind you.” As he spoke he gently pushed me aside. “Why did you upset your mother, you know not to get her angry.”

    I stepped back. “Didn’t mean to.” Then walked away with my hands up defeated. “No need for the, I pretend I’ll care for mother at this instant because she might kill herself, tone.”

    “What did you say, I couldn’t quite hear you.” My father asked.

    I knew that he heard me. I knew that he heard me quiet well. In fact the hearing aid that he had wasn’t because he needed one, it was because he wanted to “hear everything.” that went on in my room. Even though I was never allowed to have friends over.

    “If you can hear me-“ A bush moved outside my window.

    “HEY!! GET OFF MA LAWN!!” No movement. “I’m serious!” No reply.

    Hey, I’m crazy! I’m stuck in my room all the time, besides school, and people are never allowed over. Wonder if my parents wanted me to be, to be a. I had to think for a second.

    “GRADE A ANTISOCIAL FREAK WHO DOESN’T HAVE A LIFE!!”  I paused for a moment to catch my breath. “AND IS NEVER ALLOWED OUTSIDE OF THE HOUSE!!” getting so angry I started t open and slam my door repeatedly. “WHO GOES TO A SCHOOL WHERE THE MASCOT IS A MEER CAT! Seriously, a Meer cat!”

    I stopped. The bush was closer. It’s like it moved across my lawn to my window.

    “Are you serious. Is anyone serious. I ALREADY SAID GET OFF MY LAWN!!”

    Then to my amazement the bush stood. What came out of it wasn’t so surprising though.

    “Who are you?” I whispered in a small mouse like voice.

    “Uhm…” was the only response I got.

    “So the name your parents gave you is Uhm…? Wow, I feel really sorry for you…Uhm…” I smiled secretly knowing that I had won.

    Not even 0.000098 seconds later he walked towards me, stumbled and landed in a flower pot.

    “Is Uhm… Ok?” I called out my bedroom window.

    “My name’s not Uhm…”

    “Well sorry, should of answered the first time and you would of saved yourself,” I looked down at him. “trouble with the flowers. Unless you’re a vegetarian, then its understood. Still don’t think those types of flowers are edible though…”

    To my misunderstanding he shocked me. “These types of flowers are edible. Though they grow in Alaska? Where did you get the flower from?” I liked the edgy, somewhat questionably, tone in his voice.

    “Well if you must know,” I debated on telling him. “I was born and raised in Alaska. Lived there for six years then moved here. The trip was two days, and boring.”

    “Have you ever realized that you give to much information away without knowing it.”

    He was correct. I did give way to much information away. Not even knowing I was doing is the creepy part. It’s like you could tell that I didn’t hang around people much. Always saying stuff that no one should know or vice versa. The pleasant simple speeches of life that could give everything away. Oh joys.

   “No and yes? Mostly no…though somewhat yes. Uh no. Strictly no, I think.” Speaking didn’t come naturally when I was put on the spot. “I don’t know…Why are you asking me?”

    “Cause you’re the only person here…” he snapped back.

    “Well EXCUSE me. I’m not the one with my britches in a bunch.” I became nervous. What did this guy want? “Can you just get off my lawn. If you stand there for the rest of eternity then your going to put a yellow spot where your are.”

    He turned around and started to walk away.

    “Hey!” I called after him. “whats your name?”

    “Leon.” Then he took the bush and walked away.

Another chapter but bear with me. Once a few chapters are made the story will become clear…and have more pages.

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