Chapter 13. Sweet Murder.

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This chapter is going to be somewhat short since I'm writing it on my phone...sorry

"Wake up! Get out...leave...before its to late..."

My mind sat still, breath shallow. Nothing seemed real...nothing sermed right. You see I hot out perfectly fine, I have my gryphon and everything but people seem different like there not real. Then when I woke up this morning everything made sense.

Here let me tell you how it went.

"Morning Breeze. How are you?"

I looked up to see Leon right there. himself.

"Whats wrong Leon, you normally have a crowd of girls around you...did yhey finally decide to take a vacation? Shame."

My remark was met with a growl from him.

"Don't get me angry Breeze."

Over the days I had grown quite tired of him. Seriously tired. Oh hey just let me boss yuou around ya know like regular...self absorbed person I am.

Getting up I left the room and went to the kitchen. Pre occupied with my sandwhich I was knocked out cold from behind.


*The Deer*

I walked up to a house. It's shingle's were gray, the shutters were a darker shade of gray. Everything was gray. Some of the windows were slanted but yet they seemed straight. Everything seemed straight. Kind of like the perfect illusions that aren't so perfect. More of an optical illusion.

As I looked forward I could see a person. She was talk and seemed every beautiful. Brown hair to her waist, white night gown, no shoes. Why no shoes? The more I looked at her the more I though I knew her. But I didn't. How could I know someone like her? Then I saw it. The rake. It wasn't just a regular rake, it was made out of chainsaws. Shuddering I walked inside.

"Hello darling." Looking up I saw my now to be mother. My adoptive mother. She seemed perfect. "get down on your knees, walk to the mirror, go to the bathroom, wash your hands twice, walk back to the mirror and look back at it."

Some how I knew I couldn't do that...not just yet. Something was wrong. The simple place, weird gardener...something.

"No thank you." Flinching as I said that I expected her to hit me. The punch never came. She just walked away. Odd I though. You ask someone to do something and they don't do it. Luckily she didn't hit me. Spending the rest of the day I looked through the house. Everything was dull but so full of life. The house needed color but then I couldn't say anything. I would never hurt anyone.

"Honey time for bed." Walking up to my room I kept silent. I rarely talked. I only talked when I absolutely needed to. Why over do your voice when there might be a day to the number of words you could say. I now stood in a hallway. Both sides had three doors. Both sides had pictures. When I tried to look at a picture nothing was there. Just empty frames.

"What are you doing?" startled I turned around. "No-no-nothing Ma'am." I tried not to stutter. Stuttering only came when you were lying and no one liked liars. "Your rooms is the middle one on the left."

Walking to the room I couldn't help but get the feeling that someone had been there I had been here before. "Night." I nodded to show that I had heard and my light was turned off.

*The Hawk*

Stupid idiot. She shouldn't be here! It's a trap! Why...why her...I tried to get out of my cast. The freaking mother of a person up there tied me up. I started to figure out...I started to know. She didn't like that at now I'm here. The only thing that 'the mother' didn't know is who I am...or who she just picked up. But soon enough everything will be clear. Very clear. In the mean time I have to try and get out of the singing the song of the dead.

Sweet Murder. Book 1.Where stories live. Discover now