7 - A Proposal

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The evening sun shone brightly one last time that day before beginning it's descent making way for the moon. The palace helpers rushed around lighting earthen lamps in the twilight while sharing any new found gossip, their latest topic being the princess of Malva. Talks of her beauty, gentleness and reticence spread like wildfire lighting up people with awe and interest along it's way. Cognizant of this gossip, few royals laid a keen eye on the princess each for their own reasons.

"Putri Malvika!" called out the former queen Kunti

The said princess who, true to the gossips, had remained silent the entire time acknowledged the queen smiling faintly. Her gaze flitted to her mother gauging her reaction and softened in relief finding no traces of disappointment. She had missed the recent topic of discussion having been lost in her own thoughts and was skeptical about the cause of being remembered.

"We elders must be boring you with our discussions. Why don't you take a tour of the gardens with dear Dushala here?" continued Kunti.

Tusharika considered the bubbly princess sitting across the room for a moment before nodding with a polite yet relieved smile. The only daughter of the Kurus bounced her way to the elder girl and dragged her to the gardens.

"I have been wanting to talk to you for so long. The elders always drone on about the palace activities and one can only listen to them for a while before wanting to nod off." exclaimed the princess of Hastinapur.

Tusharika chuckled mumbling her agreement.

"You don't speak a lot do you?" inquired the younger girl.

"I'm a selective speaker." replied Tusharika.

"Hmm. It's nice to have female company. I do have friends but they are either distant or overly affectionate. I guess it comes with being who I am." Dushala voiced her thoughts.

"Yes. Being a princess is not as glamorous as it sounds." added Tusharika.

"You know they consider you to be a perfect bride. The ladies in the room." said Dushala suddenly nodding in the direction of the room they exited.

A scoff left Tusharika's lips preceding her thoughts before she could contain it causing laughter to bubble out of the younger princess' lips.

"So I am the perfect bride because I'm silent and appear obedient? I must say the bar is set very low."

"Oh! This is splendid. You are not reticent. You just did not want anyone to know you." observed Dushala.

"Guilty as charged." Tusharika let out an embarrassed smile.

A comfortable silence engulfed the girls as they strolled the gardens pausing at the flowers they liked and chatting with the gardeners regarding the maintenance of the said flowers. The moon slowly made it's appearance bathing the gardens in it's silvery light. Echoing laughter reached the girls halting their walk midway.

"I think that's my brothers. Come I'll introduce you." said Dushala grabbing Tusha's hand.

"Is that proper?" hesitated Tusharika remembering her birth mother's numerous warnings.

"It's alright." assured the younger one.

The girls followed the laughter to a deeper part of the gardens and walked in to the sight of eight boys laughing among themselves on one side and two boys on the other side. The eight boys looked to be in similar ages and younger than the other two. They were spread around in a circle a few of them lying on their backs while the rest remained seated.

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