10 - Candor

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The sun rose to it's peak shining brightly, it's rays following the helpers as they rushed around packing the belongings of the royal family of Malva. Instructions from the chief maids piggy backed the sun rays echoing through the hallways. All the way down the corridor, around the corner was a chamber filled to the brim with activity. Maids rushed around gathering things making sure not to come in the way of the pacing princess.

Rasika rushed behind them making sure everything is as it should be pausing near the princess to ask her if she needed anything. The princess, however, dismissed any such requests and continued pacing with her eyes glued to the entrance waiting for a certain set of footprints to grace it.  Her wait finally came to an end when the footman announced the arrival of the crown prince of Malva.

"Privacy for a few minutes" ordered Tusharika.

Kaivalya looked confused to see the helpers dropping their work and leaving, not that he was complaining. He could use the privacy and the lessened chance of gossip in case his sister retaliated to the news he came bearing.

"Good afternoon dear sister! Did you have a good lunch?" he asked hoping to ease into the topic.

"Yes yes I did. Tell me, did you happen to pay a visit to our hosts?" she asked eagerly.

"I did. Why do you ask?" Kaivalya raised a suspicious eyebrow.

"No reason. Any news?"

"Yes.." dragged Kaivalya still suspicious.

"The royal priests have suggested an auspicious day six months later for your marriage." he finished holding in a breath.

"What!" Tusharika exclaimed thoroughly surprised "How come? But I-"

"Sister what did you do?" Kaivalya asked confirming his suspicions while being scared of the answer.

"Nothing?" replied Tusha, her tone ending in a question.

"Tusha" warned Kaivalya

"I might or might not have threatened a certain prince to call off the wedding." replied Tusharika sheepishly.

"You did what? Are you crazy? Tusha we are lucky prince Duryodhan chose to remain silent about it. Did you even think of what will happen if maa or dadi hears about this?" Kaivalya knew his sister sometimes took extreme decisions but threatening a prince in his kingdom was not something he expected from her. He wondered just how desperate she was to not get married.

"Alright. Alright. I'm not sorry but I won't repeat it." Tusharika said plotting ways to get back at Duryodhan in her mind.

"You know you're such a buzzkill. Avishi would have been over the moon and very proud of me." Tusharika pouted before realising that she would possibly get married without her sister's presence.

"Tusha! I know you miss your sister but you need to know the various consequences of your actions here. If anyone caught wind of what you did or worse if Kurus even got a whiff of it, there could be a devastating war between them and us."

"Hmm." hummed Tusharika half listening to her brother but mostly lost in the thoughts of her sister.

Since growing up, there was not an activity done by her which did not involve her sister. The younger girl's chirpiness and borderline impulsive nature brought out the wild side of the elder one while also balancing her innate reserved nature. To think that her sister would not be present in possibly one of the most important events of her life pushed the girl to deny the wedding further.

"Hasan!" called Tusharika after a few minutes of silence "What does Hastinapur have to gain from Malva? Why did Maharaj Shakuni suggest this alliance?"

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