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Hello everyone!!

Thank you for giving this book your time! I hope you have a pleasant and interesting reading experience ahead!

I would like to dedicate this book to a very special friend of mine who warmed her way into my heart and life as a sweet bubbly little sister. My dear little sister, you manage to carve a large place for yourself in the life of whomever you meet with your unique lovely ways. You manage to make the darkest of my days better with your talks. Sharing my interests with you makes them more enjoyable. Words would fail to describe how much you mean to me. Love you loads!

Thank you so much little one for always being patient with me and giving life to my ideas. This book wouldn't have seen the light if not for you. Thank you for always curing my 'writer's block'.

Hope you enjoy the book 💖

For my sister who wishes to remain anonymous :p

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