Q and A!

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Hey everyone! Hope you're all having a good day/night!

And so, finally. I'm doing a Q and A heh. I've received many interesting and way past cool questions! If I haven't answered yours below don't worry! I might do this again if you guys are interested.

Also, all questions will remain anonymous. Just in case someone doesn't want their profile name here. But you'll know if I've answered your question anyway, seeing as you'll recognise it.

So, now that I've babbled on and made you guys bored lets begin!

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Question 1. What's the funniest memory of the year 2020?

Hmmm, thats a good one. In all honesty 2020 wasn't exactly a great year, nor was it for anyone. Though it did have some great moments. I don't exactly have the funniest memory, more so many funny memories. So I'll choose one of those. And it must be my last day in high school. There were so many pranks, it was hilarious! XD.

Question 2. Do you have any plans for the future of your stories and any future events? Do any include the Bestie Crew?

Honestly I've been waiting for a question like this heh. Before this question I never actually thought about writing the Bestie Crew in my books (that sounds mean, sorry!), though I'm definitely considering it now! I do have some future events planned like, drawing competitions, writing competitions and maybe, just maybe, I might do a face reveal. Maybe heh.

I do have quite a lot of plans for the future of my stories. With the current series I'm writing I can happily say it's gonna be a trilogy! Once the first book is complete (which isn't far off) I'm going to go back to my War series and re-write it. That's right! Those of you who have been ever so patient with me will be getting the stories conclusion, I promise. It'll be rewritten of course but I think that's for the best, seeing as it's currently quite cringy. I am also planning on introducing some new faces by the end of the first book of my current series and many new surprises are in store!

Question 3: Are the Sonic games canon to your book 'On The Run'?

The games are not canon no. Though do not worry! I will be explaining how Shadow and everyone met each other in the future.

Question 4: Does anyone at your high school know you have a Wattpad account and that you write Sonic books?

Well, I have left high school now but yes, some people from my old school are aware I write Sonic books and put them on Wattpad. Which was very anxiety inducing for me, especially considering I did get made fun of quite a bit (not by everyone that knows of course!).

Now I've left I realised I shouldn't have paid them any attention. Because I love doing this, and the limitless amount of support I receive daily keeps reminding me to keep going. I'm so passionate about writing so I'm not gonna let anyone try and kick me down.

Besides, do I see them writing stories and publishing them? No. So they really don't have the upper hand to bully me about doing so. (I'm kidding of course but like, ya get my point heh).

And you guys shouldn't care either! If this is something you love then own it! Be proud of yourself! Because we are all way past cool!

Question 5: What got you inspired to show your books on Wattpad?

Honestly I've been wanting to 'publish' books for years. I was just never passionate enough about anything and way to anxious to do so, though I have been able to get a handle of my anxiety a little bit more.

Then, the Sonic film came out. Now I won't go into how I became a Sonic fan (as I've already touched on it I believe) but basically it was 'cause of the film. I was already aware of Sonic beforehand though.

Quickly the ideas began flowing in and I just knew I had to get them out there somehow, I just didn't know where to put it. And it was completely by chance that I came across Wattpad. I had never heard of it before I came across another Sonic book (called 'Mirror Image' from like, the best author in the universe! Seriously, ya gotta check it out!), and I soon realised I could publish my books on here too!

But I won't be done answering this question if I didn't mention my parents (I know, I've been rambling for so long, my apologies!). It's true I had the passion and the website to do so but I reeeeaaaally lacked the confidence. My parents however believed in me, they knew I could do this and pushed for me to write and publish my stories. Not to mention the positive comments I had seen from other books also helped give me enough courage to do so.

Question 6: Do you plan on making an ask or dare book?

I've honestly never thought about it, though I definitely will if that's something you guys are interested in!

Question 7: Do you take drawing requests?

Ah, I used to. Though not anymore. Sometimes I do post an announcement if anyone has anything they'd like to see but then I get loads of requests and I feel a bit overwhelmed. (No fault of anyone's I think it's super cool actually! It's all me). So I've closed drawing requests to cut back on my time on technology.

Question 8: Do you role play?

Well, a little I'll admit. Only recently I'd say though cause I haven't always been comfortable with the idea. It's dumb I know. I always used to think role play was where all the...interesting stuff happened (a bad mindset to have I know, it's only with some I now realise XD). Until someone unknowingly showed me that role play can be perfectly normal (and we don't have to pretend we're the literal characters, idk why that always made me uncomfortable. No hate to anyone that does that of course! It's just not for me). And they actually became my best friend in the whole entire world!

So even though I do rp on the rare occasion that doesn't mean I'll agree to your request if you want me too.

Question 9: Will you do a face reveal in the future?

I've thought about it, though I don't think I have the confidence to do so. And I wouldn't want you guys to have to suffer by seeing my troll face (X'D). And what if someone took an image of my face, pretended to be me online and/or used it to get all of my private information? I don't really know how but I'm sure hackers'll find a way.

Question 10: Would you go out with your favourite food in the whole world?

My favourite food has to be Chilli Dogs. So yes. Yes I would XD.

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Here's a question for you guys!

What is your favourite song called?

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