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Hey guys...So this was a request..and person did not want their name to be mentioned.....

Before anyone asks...

Y/N - Your Name

Y/E/C - Your Eye Colour

Rating : U


Pov : You and Rohit have known each for 4 years since you work at the same hospital..He liked you but was nervous to make a move then he finally did and you've been dating for over a year and you guys are going to get married tomorrow..


"I can't believe this Y/N" He said as he wrapped his arms around your waist..both of you were in his balcony..or "OUR" balcony as he would always correct you..on a date just one day before your marriage...

"I mean it feels like I saw you just yesterday and.. Tomorrow we're getting married" He said excited like a little kid..

"Me too know sometimes I just feel like I'm dreaming.. being with you... in your arms...this is everything I've ever dreamt of" You said hiding your face in the croon of his he tightens his arms around you..

"Well then, I guess it's a good thing that both of us have been having the same dream.." He said cheekily.. making you chuckle..

You looked up to him "Shall we eat now?? I'm really starved.." You said as your stomach growled for keeping it empty..

"YES MA'AM!! He said saluting and you rolled your eyes at his antics..

He pulled out a chair for you to sit but you shook your head in "No"

He looked confused..

His confusion cleared and he smiled brightly as you went near him making him sit on the chair and settled yourself in his lap.. wrapping your arms around his neck..

"Well..why didn't I think of that??" He said looking at you with a grin

"Well.. because you're an idiot..😂" you said pinching his nose...

"Oww!!" He whined rubbing his nose..."Now shall we eat"?? He asks.. "Yeah sure.. that's why we're here"...

He shook his head, serving the food on the plate...

You started eating but he was still..

"Aren't you hungry??" You asked as you munched on your chicken noodles..😋

"Yes I am"...

"Then eat it idiot"...

"Uh-huh...I want you to feed me.."

"Rohit what are you... 5??" You sighed in disbelief..

He just whined in reply..and you weren't able to resist his cuteness..

You fed him with your hands as he chewed on happily...

"Mmm You have it too na.."

He fed you and you both were done with your meal..

You made to get up but he pulled you back...

"Rohit...What are you.."

"Shhhhh just stay with me..." He said as he hid his face in the crook of your neck...

"Rohit..we have to clear this up..." He just groaned in response..."Rohittt!! Let me get up..." He groaned but finally let you get up as both of you cleared up the dishes and called Vimmi to take all the cutleries...

Rohit Sippy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now