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Hey I am with the next chapter..... And now without wasting any time let's get into the chapter..

And this request was made by Ronakshian_Forever

Rating : U


Pov: You are Rohit's daughter and you're in your vacation..and in this chapter your name is going to be "Kramangi" as per the request..


"Wow!! The weather is so good" Rohit said as he was making some hot chocolate for himself and you..

"Yes, looks so pleasant, can we go out??" You asked him as he handed you the cup..

"No, looks like it's going to rain..and if you get drenched..your Mom is going to take a flight only to kill me all the way from Kashmir"

"But dad I won't get drenched I promise... please" you asked..

"Kramangi..but... alright fine..even if you won't get drenched..I can't stop the rain right?? What if it starts raining heavily..??"

"We'll take our raincoats... please dad, I'm getting really bored sitting in the house all day"

Rohit thought for a moment..

"Alright let's go..." He said with a chuckle.. "Get ready"

"Yayyy!! Thanks dad..I'll get ready right away..." You cheered giving him a hug and went to get to get ready...


You both were ready by now..and were going to depart..

"Did you take everything??"

"Yes dad!!"

"Are you sure??"


"Then where is your raincoat sweetheart"?

"Her..." You made to show him..but wasn't able to find it.."

"Where is it?? I kept it right here.." You murmured within yourself...

"Can't find it honey??"

You looked at him..

"Maybe because it's right here??"

He said holding your raincoat in his hand...

"But I..." You bit your tongue..

"Kramangi...I don't know when you're going to grow up....Here"

You took it from him with a sheepish smile..

"Shall we??"

"Yes!! Let's go.."

You both exited your house....

"Dad, dad let's go in our bike na.."

"But the road is so steepy"

"Dad!! You always say no to everything"

"Because you ask something to which I have to say no.."

"If we're not going in bike... I'm not going" You said folding your hands against your chest...

"Kramangi!! Stop behaving like a kid.."

"Yes..I am a kid.." were adamant..

"Kramangi for heaven's sake your 14 stop acting like a 5 year old one"

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