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Hi everyone...Here goes the next shot

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Pov: There was a guy named Mahesh, who always asked you out before you dated Rohit but you always rejected him, After you and Rohit had started dating and you told him about it, making him furious..and as he was also working in SSH Rohit became extra protective of you..but Mahesh nonetheless never stopped bothering you and Rohit warned him and finally fired him..But right before your marriage Mahesh kidnapped you and were almost on the verge of marrying him but thankfully you escaped at the the right time and you and Rohit were married, but after finding out, he beat Mahesh to a pulp and was handling you like a glass.

"I won't let you go Y/N you're mine...that Rohit Sippy doesn't deserve you.. Please sweetheart come with me" Mahesh was saying in a sadistic sweet tone..

"No I won't..I won't come with you..I love my Rohit and him only.." You almost screamed at the top of your voice..

"So you won't listen to me right"...He slapped you hard.."You have no other option than to marry me"... He almost made you wear the nuptial chain...

"No.. please please don't...let me go......I have to go to my Rohit... please leave me.." Your were in tears by now...

"Y/N...Y/N...wake up..wake up honey... it's just a dream...wake up.." You heard Rohit's voice and shot open your eyes only to realise you were having a nightmare..and almost drenched in sweat...

"Y/N... it's over sweetie... You're here..with me...that bastard is gone..he will never come near you... ever.." He said caressing your hair..

"Ro...R..Rohit...he..he tried to.." You tried to say inbetween your hiccups..and hugged him tightly...

"Shhhh...shhh Y/N...I know...I know...shhh..." He cradled you in his arms...

"I...H...he won't come back again na...he...he won't seperate me from you..Right" You looked up to him with shivering hands and lips...

" nobody can ever seperate us Y/N.." He tightened his hold around you..

You calmed down after few minutes..and he made you drink you water which you gulped in gracefully..

"Better??" He asked with concern..

You nodded your head..

"Come here" He opened his arms and you went and nestled yourself into his chest....

He gently made you lie down on the bed..... kissing your forehead and made to move but you held his hand...

"Don't go." You whispered to him...

His heart broke seeing you like this..all he wanted to do was..kill that monster with his bare hands..

"Are you sure Y/N?? I can sleep on the couch.. I'm totally fine.."

"Rohit..please..I need you by my side..real bad.."

He sighed and laid down next to you maintaining his distance.., but you rolled over to him hugging him tightly..He wrapped his arms your waist with tentative hands being cautious about your reaction..

You flinched at his touch but then your mind registered..that it was Rohit..your Rohit...and he meant no relaxed in his touch...

He was actually relieved sensing improvement in you..... both of you then dozed off in each other's arms..


A whole week passed and you were showing progress..Rohit was really happy but he didn't want to get too excited and pressure you into anything..

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