5.Wet Dreams[PART-1]

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Hey guys...here I am with yet another story...

And this request was made my VarshiniSaravanan7

So if anyone has any kinda complaint and if you want to bash this story..you are welcome to do so but in her PM because this was her request and I'm just a tool😊...

So without any further ado.. let's get into the story....

Rating : U/A


Pov: You and Rohit are married for about a year now..and just one day before your anniversary he had to go abroad for an important conference for about a week but one thing led to another and he had been stuck there for almost 3 and a half months by now.. He had missed everyone at home and especially you..he wasn't able to talk to anyone more than 10 as his schedules were jam packed..and now finally he will be back after one day...and you were excited would be an understatement...and guys in this chapter imagine your name as "Renita" ACCORDING TO THE REQUEST!!!!..


"Reni...!! Stop running"...Rohit chased you as you running away...

"Catch me if you can Mr.Cardiologist 😜😜"..you said trying your best to keep up distance but he seemed so near..

"Gotcha" He exclaimed as he caught from behind holding you by your waist..and placed you on the bed..

"Where do you think you'll be able to hide from me huhh?? He asked as he inserted his hand inside your shirt and started tickling you.

"Ro.. Rohit...Ro..hit... please stop...." You struggled to form words inbetween your laughters...

"Nope...first promise you won't run away from me..." He asked still continuing his job...

"Alright..I won't"..you said with almost tears in your eyes by now due to laughing..

He finally stopped and turned over so that you were on top of him..

"Say you love me and that you're mine..".. He said kissing your neck his hands still inside your shirt...

"I..am." you said and held his hair in your hand pulling him closer and crashed your lips to his...

He groaned and kissed you roughly..

You both suddenly heard some noise..and turned to the alarm clock noise..

He took it in his hand tried stopping but to no avail..

As it was ringing continuosly he got irritated and put it aside but the sound never stopped..

He turned back but you were not there he searched for you all over but then finally he opened his eyes only to see that he was having a dream and that alarm clock was ringing for real...

He groaned and slapped his forehead..he had been having this dream very frequently about you..

He looked down at himself...and sighed

"Well...looks like I have to take care of someone"...He said and got out of the bed... counting the hours till his flight...


Rohit was finally back at the airport and he was expecting you to pick him up at the airport...

He exited and was searching but only Veena waiting for him..

She saw him and waved he was genuinely relieved to see her after all these days and went to her and hugged her tightly...

"Mommm!!! I missed you so much!!!...How are you??"

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