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"She asked me out"


"I said..

"Yeah I heard you the first time Rohit!!"

He looked at you..

"So what are you going to say to her?"

"I don't know I..I think I should give this a shot!"


"Yeah I mean..I should atleast give dating a chance right and what if we genuinely end up liking each other?"

Those words somewhat made you uncomfortable but you didn't show it..

"Yeah that.. that's great!!"

"Right so.."

"We should stop doing this"


"Well this is it" you said forcing a smile..

"You know we actually did it!! We hooked up without getting any feelings..."

"Yep totally!!"

"I.. I'll make her a call"

"Yeah sure"

So this was it... after this you guys were "Just friends"

You shook your head and resumed reading the file in your hand..


After a week:

You called Rohit a third time..

You guys had decided to hang out and you were in the restaurant but he showed no signs of showing up..

"If he didn't pick this up... I'm soooo going to kill him" you thought to yourself..

He picked up the call..


"Rohit where are you?? Are you coming or not??"

"Coming where?"

"You said we're having dinner together right??"

"Oh yeah I totally forgot!! Y/N I'm really sorry yaar"

"So when are you coming?"

"I won't be able to come dude! I'm with Kamini!"

"Kamini?" You sounded low..

"Yeah she called me this evening and I totally forgot about you.."

You went silent for a moment..

"It's ok Rohit!! No big deal" you lied..

"Sure? You're not mad at me na?"

"No!! Why would I be mad at you Rohit!! You go enjoy your date!!"

"Alright then byee"

"Byee have fun"

He hung up the call and  you vweren't able to conjure your own emotions..

"Why am I feeling bad? I mean..this was bound to happen right??"

You convinced yourself and went from there..


The next day:

Rohit had a big headache..

He regretted going on that date..

"I should've just told her I was busy and went out with Y/N man..she took the life out of me"

Rohit Sippy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now