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Five years before the war

"Henry, can we play hide-and-seek?" I asked him, he looked at me and smiled. He then shook his head.

"Of course we can, Y/n. Go hide. 1..." He started before I took off down the hallway. I ran across the steps to the other side of the house and hid in one of the wooden boxes along the hallway. He was never going to find me. "Okay, I'm coming!" I heard him shout, I heard him run past me a few times before stopping. "I wonder where she could be, maybe in here." He said before opening the top up.

"I thought I'd never be found." I said while getting out of the box with his help.

"Maybe next time little one." He said while ruffling my hair up.

"It's your turn to hide now." I said to him before counting down. "I'm coming, you better be hiding." I said before running and trying to find him, I then saw the door to the room with Mum's old wardrobe in. When she passed Dad couldn't bare to see it anymore and moved it into an empty room. It had all her fur coats in because Dad couldn't get rid of them. "Henry, we're not supposed to be in here." I said while shutting the door behind me. I saw that the sheet had been taken off of the wardrobe and was on the ground on a pile. The door was shut. Being the stupid person I was I entered it. Mum always told us about a world through the wardrobe and would tell us stories of her adventures.

"Henry, where are you?" I asked as I pushed my way through the coats. He wasn't here, but surely I was close to the back of the wardrobe now. At least that's what I thought until I saw snow. I then saw footprints. I followed them to a lamppost.

"Queen Penelope, your back." I heard a voice so, I then saw a man but he had the legs of a horse instead of a human.

"Penelope was my mother, who are you?" I asked him, I couldn't see Henry anywhere. He was gone.

"Mr. Tumnus, you must be her daughter. Y/n, she told me about you and your brother." He said to me, this is who Mum always spoke of him.

"Speaking of my brother have you seen him. We were playing hide-and-seek and he came here." I said to him, he shook his head.

"Not at all but, I'll look out for him." He said to me with a nod and I smile. I nodded back.

"Thank you, I'll be back later. Meet me here when that clock says 3." I said to him before going back home. I tried searching for another an hour before going back to the other world. I saw Mr. Tumnus again.

"I have some bad news Lady Y/n. He's been taken by Jadis, you need to leave Narnia immediately before she comes for you as well. You mustn't come back here again for your own safety. Go." He said to me and with that I went back through the wardrobe. I then went to find Dad.

"Y/n, what's the matter?" Dad asked me when I opened the door to his office.

"It's Henry, he's gone. I can't find him anywhere. He went in the room were not allowed in and he went into the wardrobe and I tried to find him but he wasn't in there. He went to the world where Mum used to go." I said to him all in a panic, he wrapped his arms around me.

"It's okay. None of this is your fault. He'll come home eventually." Dad said to us. Of course Henry would never come home. And that meant all his stuff was moved into an empty room collecting dust. Growing up alone without a brother was lonely, I was always hoping he'd come home but I lost hope after a while. You can't blame me.

Present day

Today would be the end of my loneliness, maybe I'd actually create some friends. Not on good circumstances but under bad ones. Seeming as the war was getting bad all the city kids would be moving to the countryside. Apparently 4 children were moving here temporarily, hopefully they were nice and most importantly hopefully none of them would find Narnia, especially if they wanted to leave here.

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