Chapter 5

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Around a week had passed and Tubbo was starting to wake up from his coma "W-what where am I? Where's Tommy?" Tubbo asked as soon as he opened his eyes. Phil looked over at the weak boy "hey Tubbo it's me Phil I'm gonna get tommy he is at school ok?" Phil said. Tubbo nodded at Phil and with that he left.

Tommy had just gotten out of second period and he went to meet Jack and Ranboo "hey guys" he said as they got to the bench. "Hi tommy how's Tubbo doing?" Ranboo asked. "He still hasn't woken up yet but I'm gonna see him after school you guys can come if you want." Tommy said to the two boys. "That would be great thanks Tommy" Jack said smiling at him. They were talking until tommy got a phone call "one sec it's Phil calling me" Tommy walked off to a quiet place and answered the phone.
T-hey Phil what's up?
P-Tubbo woke up he wants to see you
P-yeah I'm coming to pick you up you can get Will and techno to come aswell if you want
T-can Ranboo and Jack come instead? They really miss Tubbo
P-yeah of course wait at the office I'll be there soon
T-great thanks Phil!
"GUYS WE GOTTA GO TUBBOS AWAKE" Tommy shouted as he grabbed his bag and ran to the office. Jack and Ranboo following behind. When Phil arrived, the three sprinted to the car and it only took Phil 20 minutes to get to the hospital. Once they were signed in, they speed walked to Tubbo's room and saw him smiling at his friends. "Hi guys!" Tubbo said as they walked in. They saw Tubbo and Tommy went over and hugged his brother immediately "don't ever do that to me again please you were out for a week" tommy said not letting go of Tubbo "wait really? What even happened" Tubbo asked. "Well basically these three guys Dream,George and Sapnap beat you up and I found you then I took you to to the nurse and got tommy then we found out it was them do me and tommy beat them up" Ranboo explained. "Woah didn't know you could fight boo haha" Tubbo said. "Me neither to be honest I'm guessing it was the adrenaline" Ranboo replied. "I'm glad your ok now Tubbo" Jack said. "Thanks glad that you and Tommy weren't hurt that bad" Tubbo said looking at Ranboo. After around half an hour, Phil walked in the room "tommy,Ranboo,Jack you have to go school now Tubbo should be at home by the time you finish." Phil told them. They all said there goodbyes and headed off to go back to school.
After the last bell rang, Tommy and Jack went to ranboos classroom to wait for him then headed home. Before going home, they went to Tesco and bought Tubbo some stuff. They decided on some lolly pops that stain your tongue and a bottle of Dr Pepper. Once they got home, they decided to go and play minecraft. Jack was In Will's room and Ranboo was in technos room so they could join while techno and Will were out. They joined in a discord call so it would be easier to talk with each other and they played for an hour and half before Will and techno came home. After that, they went to tommy and Tubbo's room and watched the bee movie. "Guys you wanna draw some stuff I'm bored" Tubbo asked when the movie he picked ended. "Yeah sure I'll go and get some pens from Will I think niki left her cool art ones here" tommy said as he got up. "Will can we use niki's pens please" tommy asked as he walked in. "One who do you mean by we and two no" "me ranboo Jack and Tubbo want to draw" "ok only if I can too haha" they both went back to Tubbo's room to decorate his arm. "TECHNO COME HEREE" Will shouted before entering the room. "What you want?"he asked then he saw everyone drawing "oooh I'd say I'm quite the artist" techno said as he grabbed some pens.After around 15 minutes, they finished their drawings. "Yooo techno that bee looks awesome thanks!" Tubbo said as he went over to hug them. Techno was shocked but hugged Tubbo back. Tubbo then hugged everyone else in the room "thanks for making me feel better guys I appreciate it" Tubbo said smiling as they headed downstairs "no problem Tubbo" they said. "Phil look at what techno drew!" he said showing the picture to him. "It looks awesome Tubbo" Phil replied as he looked at techno. Techno looked proud of their master piece. After they all ate dinner,Jack and Ranboo went home. Later when they were watching tv on the couch Phil said "Tubbo you ready to go school tomorrow?" "Ummm yeah sure also Phil can you ask the school to let me move to a different English class?" Tubbo asked. "Yeah sure how come?" Phil replied "it's hard because I has dyslexia I'm not sure if the lady at the adoption centre told you" he said. "Oh yea I forgot haha sorry I'll do that in a bit also don't worry to ask for help with homework same as you Tommy. "Thanks Phil" they both said. A few minutes later, Tommy and Tubbo went up to bed "night Tommy" "night Tubbo"

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