Chapter 15

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Tubbo didn't know where to go. He had left around 3 hours ago and once he was far enough where he didn't know where he was, he stopped running. It was only 7pm but it was starting to get a bit dark as it's near the start of December. That means it would be really cold aswell.
A few hours had passed and it was pitch black outside. Tubbo walked around the neighbourhood he was in and found a pretty large box. He took it and went down a small alleyway where nobody would be able to see him. He got his bee and blanket and drifted off to sleep.

Tommy was worried sick for Tubbo. He was out lost somewhere probably alone freezing to death. He had messaged all his friends if they had seen him but none knew where he was. Tommy went to Tubbo's bed and slept their crying himself to sleep.

Ranboo didn't know that Tubbo was missing until around 7ish. He was out with fundy for the day. He really liked fundy who knew he was a pretty fun guy to be with. He tried calling Tubbo but there was no message then he checked his location and that was off aswell. He asked his parents if they would drive him somewhere pretty far hoping Tubbo would be there. It's only an hour in car but it's like a five hour walk. It was the beach where he was being dropped off because Tubbo said he loved going to beaches with his parents before he was pit into the system. Before he went to sleep, he sent a text to Tubbo
Hey bee not sure if you will see this but please text or call me to let me know your alright. Just want to say you are my best friend and I can't lose you<3

He didn't mention the part about looking for him because if Tubbo did see it he didn't want to make him worried. He turned his phone off and went to bed.

Tubbo woke up and it was snowing. Great. The only warm thing he brought was some hoodies and his blanket. He put another hoodie over the one he was wearing and put his bee and blanket in his bag again and went to the beach. He looked on google maps and he was only an hour away so it wasn't that bad. He also saw a bunch of missed calls and messages from everyone probably asking where he was. He had gotten too far tho he couldn't go back. He quickly ran and got his box that he slept in so he could keep it until he found a better place. He took a screenshot of the maps and made his way.

Ranboo checked the weather for where Tubbo may be and it was snowing. He made sure to pack warm clothes for Tubbo incase he found him. After getting ready, his mums took him to the beach.

Tommy didn't want to get out of bed but he also wanted to go look for Tubbo. Tommy has tried this before but was found and was punished pretty bad. Now he knew what Tubbo felt like when he ran,and he hated it. He just wished he came back. Hopefully will,techno or Phil could find him.

When Tubbo got to the beach, the snow had gotten way worse but he didn't care. Luckily he has the beach to himself so he put down his box and curled in a ball and put his blanket over him. He got out his bee that he assumed his mother and father had gotten him and hugged it tight remembering the fun times he had. He shut the box lid to stay a bit warmer and now the snow was keeping it shut so he got his phone out and sent a single text to Ranboo

I love you Ranboo <3

Then his eyes shut.

Ranboo had got to the beach where his parents had dropped him off "stay safe and keep warm Ranboo" his mother said "don't worry I will I'll text you if I find him" he said. "Make sure he is ok he is welcome to stay with us if he wants" his mum said "ok bye mum,bye mother I'll see you soon" he said then he ran off to the beach.

He was walking down the beach for around 20 minutes then he saw something in the distance. Without thinking he ran towards the object to see a box. He was about to leave when something moved "hello? Anyone in there?" He said. He got no reply so he wiped the snow off the box and opened it to find "TUBBO" he quickly got his out the box and put his coat,gloves and hat on the smaller boy. He put Tubbo's belongings in his bag and wrapped him in his blanket and picked him up bridal style hugging him to keep him warm. He ran over to a shop and called his parents to tell them he found Tubbo. They arrived 10 minutes later and Ranboo got in the back seat with Tubbo on his lap. Ranboos mother gave his a hot water bottle to warm Tubbo up more so he put it on his chest then they made their way home.
After they arrived home, Ranboo carried Tubbo inside and lay him in his bed while he played minecraft with fundy.

R-hey fundy!
F-hey Ranboo how r u :)
R-I'm good how about u?
F-doing pretty good just finished the science homework
R-oh shoot i forgot about that I'll do it tomorrow
F-ok make sure not to forget the teacher can be strict
R-yeah. anyway wanna play minecraft
F-yeah sure!
R-ok I'll vc u :)

Ranboo called fundy and they played minecraft. He debated on telling him that he found Tubbo but he decided against it incase he told Tommy. He really wanted to tell Tommy and the others but he needs to know why Tubbo ran away incase something bad happened and he didn't want to go back.
Around 2 hours later, Ranboo heard Tubbo starting to wake up so he told fundy he had to go then went to see how Tubbo was doing.
"Hey Tubbo how you feeling?" He asked in a gentle voice. Tubbo looked up and panicked. How did Ranboo find him how was he back?! His breathing started to speed up but luckily his best friend was there to calm him "hey Tubbo it's ok your safe with me I haven't told anybody I found you so don't worry" he hugged Tubbo tightly whilst he calmed down. "W-why did you look for me?" He asked looking up at the taller boy "it's because I care about you and love you Tubbo" he said "thank you Ranboo I love you too" he said hugging his friend. "Who knows that you found me?" Tubbo asked "only my parents I didn't want to tell anyone without your permission" "okay well I'm guessing you want an explanation why I left" he said "yep only if you want to tho" "ok well basically Phil kept shouting at me and he raised his arm at me and I had a really bad flashback from my childhood and I got scared" Tubbo said tearing up a bit "I'm sorry about what happened to you do you wanna hug?" Ranboo asked "yes please"he replied. After the two hugged,Ranboo asked him "would you like to tell anyone that your back?" "No not yet but could you ask your parents if I could stay here for a bit?" Tubbo asked. "When I got to the beach they already told me your welcome for as long as you like" "ok thank you" "no problem. Would you like a drink?" Ranboo asked. "Yes please could I have a cup of tea?" Tubbo said "yeah I'll be back in a minute" "ok" Ranboo went downstairs to the kitchen to make drinks "hi mother! Was wondering if Phil or anyone asks about Tubbo could you tell them he isn't here? He doesnt want to go back yet" Ranboo said as he boiled the kettle "yeah of course! Tubbo can stay as long as he needs aswell" she replied "ok thank you" he said "no problem" after he made the drinks, he went upstairs and put on a film for the two to watch.

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