Chapter 6

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It was the next day and Tommy,Tubbo,Jack and Ranboo were walking to school with techno and Will behind just incase they bumped into dream and his friends. Soon enough, they got to school "cya guys and also if you see them assholes again text me" techno said before they went their separate ways "it will be fine techno besides I think they are suspended" Tubbo said. "Ok cya" techno said. "Bye" "guys what lesson do you have first me and tommy have got french" Jack said as they headed to the cafeteria. "I think we have history, atleast the teachers let me and Tubbo sit next to each other in a lot of lessons" Ranboo replied. "Yeah same with me and Jack it's awesome I was scared I'd be put with a fucking teachers pet" Tommy said. The group started laughing at his comment. They were talking until the bell went "welp gotta go to form meet here at break cya" Ranboo said. With that the four went to form. When Tubbo and Ranboo got to form, they saw Sapnap with a black eye at the back of the classroom "psst Ranboo did Sapnap get suspended to or did he get away with it?" Tubbo whispered as they sat down. "Yeah but only for two days all he did was record the fight me and Tommy, yes miss, we're suspended for three days aswell George and dream are still suspended tho" Ranboo whispered back. "Ohh ok" he replied. The two were sat in silence when something hit the back of Tubbo's head. He looked down and it was a scrunched up piece of paper with some writing on it.
Tell your "brother" techno he is an asshole so is Tommy and Ranboo glad we beat the shit outta you bastard also tell Tommy to watch his back :)

Tubbo turned around and saw Sapnap giving him a death stare. Sapnap threatened tommy and was misgendering his sibling techno on purpose"Hey Tubbo what you got?" Ranboo asked looking at the paper in his hand "oh umm I-it's nothing really" he panicked and stuffed the paper in his bag. "Oh. Ok then come on let's go to history" "ok"
"Jack can't we just skip french pleaseeee it's so shit"tommy asked as they were in an empty hallway. "We can't you dipshit if we get caught we could be suspended" Jack replied. "So I've already been suspended haha plus you could come to my house if we did" "ummm ok fine" Jack finally gave in as they went off on their journey around the school. They saw Tubbo and Ranboo going to their lesson and said hi "oh hey guys where you going? I thought you had french" Ranboo asked them. "Oh umm room change? Yeah we have a room change don't we manifold" tommy replied. "Yep a room change welp cya guys" the two quickly sped away. "That was wierd anyway let's gooo" Tubbo said.
Around 20 minutes had passed and tommy bumped into someone much taller than him "oh shit sorry my bad" he didn't look up from his phone until Jack nudged him "the fuck you want" tommy said looking up only to see the head teacher "oh umm heyyy Scott we're gonna be off now" tommy said looking up at the teacher. "Firstly, put away your phone and watch your language young man and secondly it's Mr. Majority sir to you just because I visit you dad-" but tommy cut him off "he isn't my dad" "ok well just because I visit Phil it doesn't mean you can call me Scott in school understood?" He asked with a Scottish accent. "Yes sir we will go to lesson so sorry" Jack said "yeah let's go cya Sco- I mean sir" the two said. "Where you going Tommy? class is this way" Jack asked him. "Pfft you think Scott can stop me haha I won't get told off like he said he's friends with Phil we will be fine" he replied, going the opposite direction. "Ok well I'm gonna go to class I'll say I was at the nurse I don't wanna risk it" Jack said going off to french. "OK CYA PUSSYYY" tommy shouted a bit too loudly. Scott came from around the corner looking really angry "TOM WATSON GET HERE RIGHT NOW!" He shouted storming after tommy. "Oh shit" he said to himself before running. He had no clue where to go until he saw Tubbo and Ranboo through the window. He quickly went in the room and shut the door. "Hey miss so basically I got sent here so I'll just sit down and get on with my work" tommy said taking a seat next to Tubbo "oh ok then do you have work to do?" The teacher asked. "No but I have a reading book" he said pulling it out his bag " tommy what the fuck you doing here?" Tubbo asked as he was copying notes from Ranboo. "We'll long story short me and Jack skipped then we got caught by Scott so Jack went to class I called him a pussy and Scott heard me so I pegged it and saw you so now I'm here" tommy explained quietly "Jesus tommy your so screwed Scott is the head teacher" Ranboo whispered. "Oh well he's friends with Phil I'll be fineee" "your still fucked when I was in the garden when you was out I heard Will getting told off and Phil is scary when he shouts" Tubbo said. "Oh fuck"

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