Chapter 10

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It had been around 15 minutes and they finally arrived on the street. They all went knocking on doors trying to find Tommy. Most doors had no clue and some didn't answer until one door could hear shouting from the other side. Techno shouted for the others to come and started banging on the door. There was no answer but it went quiet and the lights started turning off. They had definitely got the right door. They kept knocking until they heard a smash. They looked and saw Tubbo climbing through the window "Tubbo what the hell did you break that?!" Techno asked is a loud whisper "yeah tommy is in trouble now come on" he replied as he got in the house. Techno and Will followed him inside and Phil waited outside for the others to return with tommy.

"TOMMY WHERE ARE YOU" tommy heard Tubbo shout from in the house. Tommy couldn't reply because as soon as the window smashed dream taped his mouth shut and made the ropes and tape extra secure. He hoped Tubbo wasn't alone or they would both be dead knowing what they did to tubbo. George and Sapnap were upstairs waiting so they could try and get Tubbo if he went there and dream stayed in the garage where Tommy was. Tommy was trying to shout when dream punched him in the face "shut the fuck up will you! Your gonna get us caught for fuck sake" he said at a whisper shout.
Tubbo got to the garage but it was locked so he shouted techno to open it. Techno came running into the door and it swung open and there was dream holding his knife to tommy "move and he's dead" Tubbo started crying scared for what's going to happen to Tommy. Tommy stared at dream giving him a look to let him speak to Tubbo "ugh fine don't do any dumb shit like you already have" dream said taking the tape off his mouth. "Tubbo look at me I'm sorry this is my fault you should go before something happens to you" he said with tears in his eyes "tommy I can't leave you here your going to get yourself killed" he said looking at dream with a smirk on his face.
Luckily Will was in the other room listening on their conversation. He quickly went out to get Phil and tell him what was going on "Dad we need to get the police I think there going to kill tommy" he said with panic in his voice "alright I'll get the police you go get techno and Tubbo" he said "ok we will be back in a minute" he said going to get them "tech? Tubbo where are you guys" Will asked knowing fully well where they were "WILL WERE IN THE GARAGE" Tubbo shouted "come on we have to go" he said making his way "tommy? Are you ok?!" He asked scared for him "will you need to go quickly" tommy said "no I don't give a shit I'll wait here until that Phyco bitch let's you go" he said staring at dream "may aswell stay forever then" he said.
Not long after, sirens were heard outside and Sapnap and George came running down "dream what the fuck the police are here" Sapnap said panicked. Dream started to laugh "haha you idiots" he said. He grabbed the knife from his pocket and stabbed Tommy and ran out the door, Sapnap and George quickly following "AAAAAAGH YOU BASTARD" tommy shouted in pain "TOMMY" Tubbo ran over and put pressure on the wound. The police had managed to get the trio thanks to Phil. The police came in and saw tommy so they quickly untied him and rushed him to the hospital.

After they got to the hospital, Tommy was rushed into surgery so the others were left waiting. Tubbo was rocking back and forth in the chair having a panic attack. Will noticed and went over to comfort him "hey it's ok Tommy will be fine I promise ok" he reassured him "it's m-my fault I knew t-they wanted t-tommy they warned m-me and I-I did nothing about i-it I'm s-sorry" he cried. "Hey it's fine ok but next time someone threatens you or tommy please tell us ok" Will said "o-ok"

"Dream you are here because of attempted murder,kidnapping,bullying and tormenting and manipulating your friends into this" the officer said "WHAT?! They agreed to do this I didn't do shit to them" dream argued. "Well we have statements from both George and Sapnap and they say you forced them into it or you would hurt them" "fucking snitches" he muttered. "If you would like to come with me you are going straight to a juvenile detention centre as you have just admitted to your crimes" he said. Dream was pissed but followed.

"Ok I hope you understand what your sons have done is a serious crime and they will not be returning to this school again they will be sent off to a school for troubled teens across the country" Scott said "ok again we are so sorry for their behaviour and understand" George's mum said "ok George and Sapnap can come tomorrow to get all their belongings and I am very sorry I had to get you at 12:43am but I felt the need to do this in person" he said "ok we're going now come on Sapnap" Sapnap dad said grabbing his arm in anger. "Thank you for coming and George, Sapnap I hope you learn from your mistakes your lucky your not being arrested" he said "ok thank you sir" George said.The four left Scott's office and Scott called Phil since he knew he couldn't come for a meeting

S-hi Phil how's everyone doing?
P-Tommy's recovering from surgery and the rest are asleep
S-I'm sorry I just thought I'd let you know that George and Sapnap are kicked out of school and dream has been arrested
P-really? Well thank you for letting me know
S-no problem and let Tubbo know he can have a week off while Tommy recovers if he wishes
P-ok thank you I'll let him know tomorrow
S-ok hope your doing well and send tommy best wishes
P-Will do thank you
S-talk soon phil
P-bye Scott

After they hung up, Phil went to sleep.

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