Chapter 2

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Your POV

Darkness once again consumed me as the Void Keeper transferred me to my past life. Where I'll end up... I have no idea. Hopefully it's somewhere that's convenient to start.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

I heard an annoying noise next to my ear as I opened my eyes to see what the noise pertained to. I shut off the alarm clock and stood still to take in my new horizons. I slowly felt myself in something comfy as I wondered how things would go from here. I woke up in what seems to be my old bedroom. I laid comfortably in bed as I looked around my room with curiosity.

"So this is my old room. Wow... I must've had a lot of memories here," I said as I thought to myself.

It was at that moment I realized I was blasted to the past. I'm finally alive again and it felt very different than being a ghostly spirit.

I looked around the room and saw tons of things scattered about the place. My untidy room included piles of laundry in one corner, a closet in the center, and a desk with a white board that had pictures of people that seemed important to remember.

Just as I started getting out of bed, I heard a voice downstairs calling my name.

"Y/N! You need to get up if you don't want to be late for school!" I heard someone say loudly, while I was still in my bedroom.

The voice startled me as I concluded that it was my mother calling me to get up. I quickly jumped out of bed to get myself ready for the day ahead.

'Now where did I put my school stuff?' I wondered, figuring things out as I went.

I decided to wander my room in search of items I needed for school. I first walked towards my closet to find my school uniform and backpack that was hung up against the back of the door. I got myself dressed and went back towards my dresser to retrieve my phone and throw my blankets in a somewhat orderly fashion on top of my bed.

I then rushed myself to the bathroom that I noticed was next to my room. I took this opportunity to get my hair ready to go and used it to freshen up.

Once I felt like I found everything, I headed downstairs to await what was next in store. As I descended the stairs, I saw my Mom's back turned towards the stove. She was cooking a simple breakfast that smelled like eggs, bacon, and toast.

"Good morning sweetheart! I hope you rested well. Here's some breakfast to get you started for the day ahead!" She quickly turned around with the plate of food in hand as she nodded for me to sit at the island on a wooden stool.

"Thanks Mom! This looks awesome!" I enthusiastically replied to her kind gesture.

She seemed really happy to see me. It was as if I was the sunshine to brighten her day. I also took note of the way she decorated the house and kept everything nice and orderly. The same can't be said about my room.

"I'm glad you're enjoying it! I can't believe that you're growing up so fast. My baby girl's first day of high school!" My mom said, interrupting my current state of thought.

Just as she continued to become overjoyed with excitement, I heard a loud groan coming from upstairs.

It was low enough that Mom seemed occupied to not hear it. Suddenly, it grew louder and the groan turned into something else.

"Honey! Can you be a dear and make me some breakfast! I'm starving up here!" A booming voice said aloud.

That voice sounded very rude and obnoxious towards my mother. This painful wail of demands put me on guard as to who the person could be. Surely my dad couldn't be too bad right? I then realized that the only other person it could be was my Dad. That's when I felt frozen in this state of mind.

🌺My Precious Flower🌺 Hanako x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now