Chapter 14

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Your POV

The next few days came and went as things seemed normal for the most part. I continued living with Hanako and getting up for school each morning as I had done in the past. Although, there seems to be something different going on between us.

I've noticed over the past few days that when I wake up, I don't see Hanako anywhere. He's not even there to greet me in the morning or leave a note to tell me of his whereabouts. Normally, he comes into my room and tries bothering me in his childish antics as an attempt to get me out of bed. However, he hasn't been bothering me as often.

I know most people wouldn't complain about something like this, but it's odd to me since this isn't how he typically acts. I went to check around the place this morning and confirmed to myself that there is no trace of the ghost boy anywhere again.

'Where could Hanako have possibly gone this time? Should I be concerned or was it something I said to make him agitated? Darn... why do I have to be such a worry-wort. I have a feeling like something's up, but I'm not sure what it is. Let's just hope it's nothing serious...' I thought in my mind as I mopped around getting myself ready for school.

I still have feelings for Hanako but whenever he goes to do something without me, it makes me feel alone.

He's the closest friend I have, besides Nene, that can truly understand how I feel. No one else can understand all the pain and suffering I've gone through these last few months just to recover my memories. I owe Hanako a lot and I wouldn't be where I am without him.

I know he can't be there all the time for me, but it's moments like these where it would be nice to have him by my side.

I laid in my room and continued wondering about Hanako for a while, but eventually decided to let the matter rest. I casually glanced up at the clock and realized that I was going to be late if I didn't hurry up.

I jumped off the bed and rushed to clean up. I then quickly got dressed, grabbed a snack, and readied myself for the day ahead as I threw my backpack on in a flash. I raced to the door as I made my way out of Hanako's place. I teleported to the main entrance as I continued forward to class.

As all of this was going on, I couldn't help but still think about where he could be. That was until I shook myself away from these thoughts while thinking about a solution to my worries.

'I can't be late to school all because I daydreamed about the mysterious seventh wonder. I can't keep dwelling on this forever. I need to find a way to calm my mind. Perhaps, I should talk to Nene about this? Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. I'll just have to talk with her later after school.' I thought to myself as I headed towards my first period class.

Time Skip!

Another school day ended as I still pondered about my curiosity towards the beloved ghost boy. My mind kept lingering back to him whenever I had an opportunity to daydream away from reality. Luckily, I was conversing with Nene about the whole incident and she told me to not worry over Hanako. Time flew by as Nene and I finished cleaning the bathroom stalls. We decided to change the subject to talk about our plans for the weekend.

"Y/N! I'm so excited about this weekend! I can't wait to go to prom with Kou! I already have my dress picked out and I plan to get my hair done with Aoi. Are you excited for prom?" Nene expressed in a beaming attitude that could light up anyone's day.

I thought about what she said as a light bulb went off in my brain. I just realized in that instance that I had completely forgotten about the prom this weekend. I've been so occupied with Hanako lately that I didn't have anything prepared for tomorrow evening's event.

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