Chapter 15

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Your POV

Before we knew it, the weekend events were coming to a close as school started up again the following weekday morning. Everything resumed back to normal standards after the prom was over, all except for the fact that Hanako and I were now considered more than friends.

No one knows about our relationship, but I feel like I have to eventually tell someone. Nene is one of the few that I plan on telling later about the romantic weekend events, but for now, I'll let it be.

I woke up just like every other day for school, except with a certain ghost boy trailing behind me trying to get my attention.

"Good morning, my love. Did you sleep alright?" Hanako asked pleasantly as he leaned in to hug me from behind.

"Yeah, I slept okay, but I'm doing much better now that the stress of prom is over." I answered him back honestly as I leaned into his touch for support.

Hanako took this as an opportunity to swiftly turn me around to catch me off guard and to look me in the eyes for any signs of distress fixated in my mind.

"Are you sure you're doing okay? Maybe this will help calm your worries." He replied with a smirk on his face that provoked what I could only assume was a mischievous act about to occur.

He rested his hands along my waist as he leaned in again, but this time to give me a light kiss on the lips. I couldn't resist his charming request as I gave into the feeling of wanting to continue our little make out session.

Eventually we separated after a few more seconds as I stared at him in awe over his incredible ability to calm me down in the worst of situations.

"Better?" He questioned, making sure that none of those thoughts would ever return to my mind.

"Definitely much better." I replied with a bright smile and a light blush coating my cheeks.

"Good, then we must hurry if you want to get to class on time." Hanako reminded me as I realized what he said and quickly rushed to get myself ready for the day.

Time Skip!

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Hanako teleported me to the girls bathroom using his Hakujoudai just as the bell rang inside the building. We quickly said our goodbyes as he then leaned forward to kiss my forehead while looking at me with a smile.

"I'll see ya later, my precious flower." He said teasingly as he whisked away before I even had a chance to respond.

I lightly blushed from his touch while snapping back to reality as I rushed towards my class to begin another normal day of school. My main plan for the day was to hopefully have a chance to explain everything to Nene regarding prom and finally get some clarity as to what happened with Teru once I blew him off that same night.

I approached the classroom as I spotted my desk and walked towards it. I saw Nene and waved at her to show that I hadn't forgotten about her presence as I took my seat next to her.

"Hi Y/N! How are you doing?" Nene asked me in a sweet and polite tone.

"Oh you know, just hanging in there. How are you?" I answered in a monotone voice as I replied to her question.

"Probably about the same. Hey, are you sure you're doing alright after the prom? You seemed preoccupied since the weekend and I can't help but ask. I don't want my best friend to not tell me what's on her mind." She asked in concern over my troubled expression I had when I left Teru behind on the night of prom.

🌺My Precious Flower🌺 Hanako x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now