Chapter 11

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Tsukasa's POV

'Phew... that was a close one. I love Amane, but that stare in his eyes reminds me of that time he killed me.' I reminisced to myself as I glanced up from the black mist to find myself back in the broadcasting room.

I knew that the situation seemed to turn in a different direction, which is why leaving was the best option. However, I changed my mind at the last second and decided to take Y/N with me.

It looks like Amane has grown very attached to her. He has that calm, gentle spirited aura that screams in admiration. Kind of like how he was with me when we were still alive.

I glanced back at the knocked out girl cradled in my arms. She was peacefully asleep as I floated to the nearest couch and laid her down gently on the cushioned seat.

I can see why Amane likes her since she's carefree and doesn't hesitate to help someone in need of assistance.

'I wouldn't be surprised if they're dating with that death glare Amane gave me. He seems very protective of her and I know that I'm not supposed to hurt girls. Hopefully she'll wake up and by then I can get some answers. Perhaps, I could even inform her with some details regarding all I know about her.' I quietly thought to myself as I felt a smirk grasp my lips.

"For now, I'll be patient and ask Sakura to make our guest feel welcomed." I spoke to myself once again, but low enough to not disturb the girl from waking up. I took my leave and vanished in a black mist to find Sakura to prepare a celebration for our newest arrival.

Time Skip!

Your POV

It seemed like the wind was knocked out of me as I blacked out from exhaustion. I can't seem to remember everything that happened when fading away from that moment on the roof. However, my body felt limp as I recalled being whisked away from Hanako's grasp.

As if it were a bad memory I jolted awake from my perplexed state of mind and adjusted my eyes to the bright lights above me. Luckily, I could feel myself recuperating from all the dizziness I felt as I observed my surroundings.

'Wait a minute... where am I? I'm definitely nowhere close to the rooftop or the bathroom. Which means, I can't be anywhere near Hanako.' I thought in my mind as I continued to make out traces of clues as to where I could possibly be located.

The room was more enclosed from where I was before being kidnapped. I felt a little claustrophobic as I realized I was sitting in a chair and wearing different clothing. Then something caught my eye from the corner of the room.

It was a book, but not just any book. It was my gray book with my name engraved on the side of the spine. I started to wonder why my book would be here of all places.

Then it hit me... I might be in more trouble than I originally thought.

'I need to get my book and find a way out of here.' I quickly concluded from the area I searched around for the past few minutes.

I stood up from my previous position as I tried to make my way towards the same corner that stored my book. However, I didn't get far as the door at the front of the room opened up.

I was startled from the sudden noise as I turned around and scrambled back to the chair. I made it seem like I was still dizzy and worn out from the trip I just went through.

"Oh good, you're finally awake. I see you've made yourself at home. I apologize for the inconvenience that my friends put you through. They can be rough in some moments, but they mean well." A voice began to say as a young, petite girl walked towards me.

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