Chapter 2.

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Pond wraps Phuwin's ankle with bandages, making sure it won't move. "There. I'll get you some meds for you to take so the pain would be more bearable." Pond says as he walks away to the door. He puts his hand on the frame, turning to Phuwin who is resting on his bed. "Is there anything you would like to eat?"

Phuwin shakes his head, fear still overwhelming him like a blanket over a child. "N-No." Phuwin replies. He have no idea why he ended up in his boss's house and why Bam, the boss's assistant who kidnap him here. Phuwin could only think of the multiple times that he rejected Pond's offer for his promotion.

"Alright. Just stay here." Pond says, after realizing that he couldn't go anywhere else with that injured leg. "I mean, just give me awhile. I'll be back soon."

Pond heads down the stairs and into his kitchen. He wastes no time and starts cooking almost immediately. "Are you going to cook for me too?" A familiar female voice asks from behind him.

Pond focus on the stove as he stirs the inside of the frying pan. "No." Pond says shortly. "You shouldn't have to do that to him. Now he's scared shitless and he's still wondering why he is brought to his boss's house. That's not going to look good on me, Bam."

"Well, you did ask for him. I just gave you to him." Bam replies. "Also, I found out that he's actually looking into the land that you wanted. There's a bidding starting next month and you should go. That must be his secret."

Pond quickly finishes up his dishes and puts them onto three separate plates. "Phuwin has been looking this up? How does he even know that?" Pond asks as he takes one of the plates and passes it over to Bam who is looking at him from the kitchen counter.

"Maybe you have been hinting to the company about expanding? You made a couple of announcement saying you are looking into expanding it." Bam replies arrogantly as she takes a bite out of her food.

Pond puts the extra two plates on the tray and searches his medicine cabinet for anything that can help with Phuwin. "Anyway you can go take a look on who is my competitor. I'll then decide if it is still worth it to bid." Pond replies as he puts the medicine on the tray. "Call me when you find out. I'll leave the company to you for a couple of days as I take care of Phuwin. You know what to do to cover his tracks."

Bam swallows the last of her food in her mouth. He gives Pond a thumbs up. "No worries. I've done this before. It's not like we're not used to this or anything." Bam says. "It will be like as if Phuwin doesn't exist in this world. So you can have him all to yourself."

Pond rolls his eyes. "Thanks." He says with a smile on his face.

"See. I knew you would like my present. Now go and have your valentine dinner with him. Just break his other leg if he tries anything else." Bam says as she got out from the chair.

Pond carries the tray with Phuwin's food and medicine and head up into his room. He still sees Phuwin on the bed. Phuwin pushes himself up from the bed. "I will take your promotion boss. I promise I won't reject it anymore." Phuwin yells out as he bow to Pond.

Pond laughs as he brings the tray towards Phuwin. "What are you talking about?"

"I-I know that this is because I refuse your promotion a couple of times and I want to redeem myself but accepting your offer." Phuwin stutters out. He wants to get out of this mess as soon as possible and get back to his normal life. "I-If it's any help, there is a plot of land that I once saw on the internet. It is up for bidding."

Pond takes a plate and puts it beside Phuwin on the bed. "I know. Anyway, I cooked for you pasta. I hope you're going to like it. I would say that it would add to the valentine vibes today." Pond comments.

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