Chapter 25.

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Phuwin is exhausted with the meetings that he has back to back with Pond and Bam. The other two seem fine. It's been a couple of weeks with the meeting and Pond has been discussing with Bam about a hotel or a resort would make a better choice.

Bam turns to Phuwin with his chin on the table, exhausted from work. "So what do you think? A resort or a hotel would fit the place better. I personally say resort because it's by the beach. We could get that guy who suggested that we could build rooms up on the water." Bam asks.

Phuwin groans as he puts his head up groggily. "I don't know. I'm just too tired listening to everything that has been going on. I just want to go home and sleep." Phuwin complains.

Pond let out a sigh. "I didn't recall hiring such an incompetent employee." He comments as he looks through his emails.

Phuwin rubs his eyes and widen his eyes. He's too used with Pond and Bam casually back at home and sometimes at work that he forgot that he's working. "If it was me, I'd prefer the resort. It would make more sense since it is by the beach." Phuwin answers.

Pond looks at him from the corner of his eyes. "That's more like it." He takes a look at his watch. "Well I guess we can call it a day. We don't have any more meetings."

"Well, you will have to cook your own dinner today. I'm heading out and heading back to my place. Theres a couple of things I'd like to take a look at." Bam says.

"No worries. For the past few weeks he didn't even eat dinner. He knocked out the moment we get home." Pond replies. "At least we can get an early rest for another set of meetings tomorrow." Pond says as he looks at Phuwin. Phuwin let his head fall to the table, groaning loudly. The thought of meetings makes Phuwin exhausted for tomorrow.

When they reach home, Pond unbuttons his cuffs and roll up his sleeves. "What would you like to eat or are you heading to bed already?" Pond asks.

"Anything would do fine. I'm just going to shower first then maybe have some dinner, watch some shows and then I'll head off to bed. We did reach home earlier than expected so since I have some extra time to waste, I'd like to have some time to myself." Phuwin answers.

Pond didn't like it when he says he would like some time for himself. It's been a couple of weeks since Pond touched Phuwin like a toy. He's always exhausted and each time he initiated it, Phuwin would either fall asleep or reject him and fall asleep the next second.

When it comes to their dinner, Phuwin feels uneasy with the energy that Pond is giving out. They were silent. Phuwin quickly finishes and head up back to the room. Pond quickly follows him, leaving the food on the table.

Pond follows Phuwin into the room and grabs onto his wrist. He pulls Phuwin to the bed and throws him onto it. Pond quickly jumps on top of him and hold his hands above his head. "I'll make sure there aren't any excuses now." Pond says.

Phuwin could see how hungry Pond's eyes are. Before Phuwin could reply, Pond presses his lips onto his and slides his tongue into his mouth. Phuwin could feel Pond's tongue violating his mouth and tries to fight back but Pond's dominance is making him weak. Their tongue starts to have a war but Phuwin could tell that he's losing with the way Pond has him. He couldn't deny that Pond is making his mouth feel good.

Pond grips onto both Phuwin's wrist tightly with one hand as the other start to roam onto his belly. He reaches down between Phuwin's legs and cups it. Pond pulls his lips away with a lovely surprise. "I didn't know that you like to be dominated." Pond states.

Phuwin's cheeks starts to get rosy as he looks into Pond's eyes. "N-No. You just touched me there and I got hard." Phuwin answers.

Pond could tell that it was an obvious lie. He is hard even before he grab onto his privates. Pond leans in and this time when their tongue clash, it is different than before. Phuwin is playing to Pond's tempo and it's building up his lust.

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