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The first thing she felt when she woke up was a shocking pain at the back of her head that felt as if someone had put a nail into her skull. She hissed, slowly moving and trying to get comfortable but it was pretty hard to get into a comfortable position when you're hands were cuffed against a cold pole on the wall and forced you to keep your arms in the air while you sat on the cold ground.

"Feitan?" She whispered, finally noticing him still knocked out beside her. She stared down at him, noticing his lips were busted again. He had blood all over his white blouse which made her think that after she was knocked out he had tried to fight back against them only to embarrassingly lose. He held his head low, strands of his black hair covering his eyes. "Feitan!" Please wake up." She panicked, beginning to think that he was dead.

She gave him a small kick, being able to only reach his leg since they were cuffed a few feet away by from each other.

"What?" He groaned, slowly waking up.

She sighed in relief, thanking the universe for not killing him yet. She smiled to herself, feeling less scared than before now that he was waking up.

"Where are we?"

"What?" He finally looked up at her, giving her a cold glare before finally noticing the unfamiliar room. They had been shoved into a storage room, boxes filling up most of the space only for them to be put in the corner. He sighed, standing up from the ground and then pulling on the cuffs, trying to get out.

She rolled her eyes as she watched him struggle. His determination to get out of the steel cuffs only reminded her how annoying men were. Always trying to save the day and make things go their way by using blunt force and aggressiveness instead of using their small- one cell brains. "That's not going to work."

"Watch it work." He whispered back at her.

"You really think they won't hear you? You're being too loud!"

"Okay smartass, you tell me how we're going to escape."

She licked her dry lips, looking around the room to find anything useful they could use. Not that it mattered anyway, they wouldn't be able to reach since everything had been moved away from each other. The room was pretty small and had a few boxes that were nailed closed. Boxes that obviously hid something from officers but she had busted many drug dealers and these guys had failed horribly on trying to hide it.

Suddenly the door slammed open, making them both flinch in fear. Three men walked in, armed as well. They were taller than the usual man, large muscles that could easily crush any skull and tattoos that made them look even more aggressive. They had a few scars all over their bodies that made her assure that they had gotten into a few fights and obviously won each time. The three of them towered over them, examining their faces closely now that they were under the light and weren't covered in street water.

"You look awfully familiar." One of them finally spoke, getting closer to (y/n) and then cupping her face to take a better look. A disappointed sigh erupted from his mouth and his lips turned into a pursed frown. "Oh, Detective
(l/n), yes now I remember. You took down one of my friends and his drug company, I must congratulate you- actually I'm honored to finally catch you."

"Finally?" She wondered. "How do you know me?"

"People who do drugs used to go to school too. We read and watch the news as well." He retorted, his fingers tracing over her lips before slapping her across the face. (Y/n) yelped, closing her eyes to hold in the tears from the burning slap she received. Feitan flinched, not expecting her to get hit, anger suddenly sparked inside him and he clenched both his fists tightly.

sinful little thing // feitan portorWhere stories live. Discover now