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Guards went from door to door, searching to find the two reckless targets that had decided to sneak into the party.

Meanwhile the two were already going to bed, not a worry in their heads. Especially Feitan.

It was a minute after midnight and he laid on the soft couch. He was wide awake, unable to sleep after all that happened at the party. He was glad to see his best friend again but he couldn't help but wonder how long until he saw him once more? Feitan wished he had Phinks by his side, he'd be rambling on about this strange feeling he gets every time he's around (y/n). Phinks would totally have an answer and maybe even a solution to his problem.

He groaned, sitting back up. His eyes focused on the light creeping under her door. (Y/n) was still awake.

An idea popped in his head and then suddenly he was off the couch. Walking to her door and reaching up to knock in desperate hopes of seeing her again.

Instead he heard loud voices outside the apartment. He froze, wondering if it was the guards who were chasing them from earlier. He bolted to the front door where he could take a peek through the hole but the group of men weren't close enough to their door to see.

"Who is it?" His heart nearly jumped out of his chest when he heard her voice from behind. He was quick to cover her mouth, annoyed at how loud she spoke when the guards were close by.

"Can you be any more louder?" He hissed.

"Gosh sorry." She muttered as she pulled his hand away. "So who is it?"

"It's those guards from earlier."


Feitan watched her take a peek through the hole. Her hair was still wet from the shower she had just taken. She smelled so good and her lips...well he didn't let himself continue on with that thought. It took him a few seconds to realize how close he was standing to her. Could she feel the tension in between them or was it just him feeling hot under all the layers he wore? He shook his head and backed away from her.

"They're knocking at each door!" She panicked. "What if they try to get in here?"

"No, they won't." He assured her but when there was a knock at their door they both jumped, rushing to get away only to crash into each other. They fell to the ground with a loud THUMP!

"So much for staying quiet." He scowled.

She froze on top of him, covering his mouth as they tried to listen to the man outside the door. Feitan slowly sat up, his eyes stayed on the door as he listened to more footsteps. They knocked once more.

They were crowding around their door, waiting for someone to answer.

"What do we do?" She whispered to him and he scrunched his eyebrows.

"What do you mean what do we do? We stay quiet." He rolled his eyes as if it wasn't the obvious.

"What if they don't ever leave?"

"If you want them to leave so badly just go get your gun and shoot them.They'll leave eventually." He scoffed. Then that same stupid smirk tugged on his lips and (y/n) shot him a glare, warning him to think carefully of his next words.

sinful little thing // feitan portorWhere stories live. Discover now