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The car ride back home was quiet. Both of them looked out the window while the radio blasted with music from the 80s, along with the driver who happily hummed along.

When the car slowly stopped in front of the house Feitan was the first to leave. She only sighed, making sure to tip the driver for having to deal with them both and then got out of the car. She looked at the empty driveway, letting her know that her boyfriend was still at his mothers which meant she would be sleeping alone again. It wasn't a nice feeling but it was better than him seeing her walk in their home looking like a stripper when her job was to be an officer.

She quickly showered before getting into something way more comfortable than what she was wearing before collapsing into her warm bed. Until she remembered seeing Feitan with a busted lip and possibly more open wounds.

She paced around in circles in front of his room, trying to get the courage to knock on his door to ask if he wanted a few bandages to clean his wounds.

"Gosh! Either knock on his door or go back to sleep!" She sighed to herself before walking away from his door.

"You should thank him." She thought, stopping in the middle of her hallway. She went back to his door and raised her hand, ready to knock on the wood. Instead she stood still, nervous and too stiff to even move. She glanced at the clock which read; 2:40 A.M.

"He might be asleep already." She groaned, already annoyed with herself. She ran her fingers through her messy hair and shook her head. Angered that she couldn't even get herself to thank him. Frustrated with herself she turned around, knowing that she wouldn't get herself to do it.

"Why are you still up." A husky low voice said from behind her. She flinched, fearing that she had woken him up. When she turned around she realized he must have been sleeping already, or at least he looked like he was. His messy hair and clothes looked like he tried to sleep but couldn't.

"I just wanted to thank you." Her voice was a lot quieter than she meant it to be.

"And the bandages in your hand?" He was quick to try and end the conversation. As much as he was thankful he didn't exactly want to see her for a while. After all, she got on his lap and kissed him and didn't think nothing would happen between them when in reality he was having such a hard time sleeping because he wanted to feel her soft lips against his one more time. But he knew it was better to keep distance. She had a boyfriend and he knew she wasn't going to drop a two year relationship just to mess around with a criminal who could easily drop her in a week. They were just partners in crime, nothing else.

Yet even after scolding himself his hands wanted to reach out to her and pull her close...maybe he could just pull her closer by her shirt that was a bit cropped, enough to cover her stomach but sometimes when she raised her hands even slightly he could see the piercing she had on her belly button. He could pick her up and remove her grey pajama shorts, kissing her lips and leaving marks all over her chest and inner thighs. Listen to her soft moans and maybe tie her up just how he said he would a month ago when they first met- he pinched his leg, bringing him back to reality. He was an idiot for thinking such things. One kiss and now he was melting every time she looked at him.

"Get your head out of the gutter." He thought, running his fingers through his hair only to mess it up even more.

"Oh, right. They're for you, I thought you might need them from this morning." She kept her voice low, afraid that she might be too loud since it was past midnight. "You didn't eat dinner either." She muttered the last part, hoping he would at least accept her apology.

"I'm not in the mood for dinner anymore." He grabbed the bandages out of her hand, his fingers brushing against her for a second which sent a string of electricity to stream through his body. "I'm really tired too. Thank you though."

"You're... welcome." She gave him an awkward smile before walking back to her room.

His eyes couldn't held but run through her body. He leaned against his door frame, a smile almost forming on his lips as he watched her walk back into her room. Finally he was able to breathe, it felt like he had been holding his breath for hours.


"...then they told me that a man named Simon knew where the missing girl was at so we went to a um- to a strip club to find him and he ended up telling us nothing about her whereabouts." She flashed an awkward smile, feeling herself melt when her chief stared at her with disappointment.

The silence in the room was thick enough to clog her lungs, unable to make her breathe. She wanted him to say something- anything! Even if it was something hurtful or sarcastic.

He cleared his throat, taking his glasses off to clean them with his shirt.

"You go missing for almost two days and then you come back to tell me that you went to a strip club to talk to a man?"

"As awkward as it sounds yes I did."

"And how's Mr. Portor doing under your supervision?"

"It's going great. It's like we've been partners for ages now." She laughed, trying to lighten up the mood but her chief didn't budge or even chuckle at her joke. She sat up, clearing her throat and returned back to her serious self.
"It's going fine."

"Good to hear. Remember that you have to bring a report even if it's saying that you're fine make a report otherwise we'll think you're dead. Don't let it happen again."

"It won't."

"New years is this Friday, if you're planning on spending it with your boyfriend you're allowed to leave Feitan in his cell so you don't have to supervise him."

"Oh." She finally remembered about her boyfriend. Since New Years was coming up that meant that he was going to come back any day now which meant no more spending time with Feitan. She had a curfew now knowing that (b/f) was going to worry constantly if she came back with bruises and cuts. She had to be more careful now. Her throat dried up when she remembered how she kissed Feitan on the lips. Was that considered cheating? She did it to save herself from getting kidnapped again, it was for a good cause. It's not cheating. It was for a good reason. He doesn't have to know. They were just partners who worked together, nothing else.

Yet the feeling of his warm lips against hers made her stomach swirl with butterflies. She remembered how that night his fingers gently rested against her waist. They're bodies perfectly aligning with each other. After she pulled away she kept her hand over his eyes, staring down at his lips and debating whether or not to kiss him again, this time making it last a bit longer but then her boyfriend came to her mind and she jumped out of his lap with guilt in her chest.

"Wow. Time flies by really fast, I almost forgot New Years is this Friday."

"Time seems to go by faster when you're on a case. Just a reminder that you can give up any time you want."


"I see the cuts and bruises that you have on your body. Every time you stop by the office you're either soaked from head to toe or covered in blood. Is it Portor who's doing this?"

"No. He hasn't done anything to me ever since I left the hospital. I have to admit he's quite smart and has helped me get closer to finding Jenesis."

"Right." He muttered, not believing her at all. He put his glasses back and gave her a smile. "You can take the day off on Friday."

"Thank you."

sinful little thing // feitan portorWhere stories live. Discover now