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"Are you sure you should bring a cop in here?" She asked as she walked through the crowd of drunk people. They all jumped on the beat of the music, spilling drinks and smoking whatever they could get their hands on. She covered her nose with her sleeve, feeling disgusted every time a sweaty body bumped into hers. A tight hand held her wrist as Feitan dragged her through the crowd, not hesitating to push a few out of the way as he rushed to find the man they were after. "I mean some of this stuff looks a little illegal."

A few years ago when she was still in college she would've probably enjoyed this. Now, she was a bit more mature and would rather spend her Friday night eating as much as she could at home while binge watching her shows. Still, the blue lights that glowed on her skin, the zebra pattern tiles and the colorful walls made her feel as if she had walked into a different dimension.

She inspected the bar, men being seated by workers who were trying to entertain them as much as they could just to receive a few bucks.

"That has to be him." Feitan stopped, causing her to crash against his back. She looked over his shoulder and saw a man with red curly hair. He had a pair of heart shaped sunglasses even though he was inside and his arms wrapped around the waist of two dancers.

"Great, let's talk to him now and put an end to this." She said but Feitan was quick to yank her back.

"No! No! You can't." He pulled her away from the crowd, towards the corner of the club where not many eyes flew towards them. "Not when you look like...this." He gestured to her clothing with a scrunched up nose.

"What's wrong with my clothes?"

"Everything." He snarled at her as if it was the most obvious thing. "If they know you're a cop then he won't bother saying anything. He's not going to purposely make himself a target for the mafia."

She crossed her arms, growing impatient with his attitude towards her. Every single day, hour, minute the angry man had to say something he didn't like. It was starting to become a nasty habit and her patience was thin tonight.

"Then you go talk to him." She shoved a finger into his shoulder.

Feitan looked at her in disbelief before chuckling. "Be serious. No guy goes into a club to talk to another guy unless he's interested in him."

"First rule of being a cop is that you will disguise yourself as anything to get the job done." She fixed his shirt and then ruffled his hair to make it seem messy. "Disguise yourself and go act like you like him."

He snatched her hand away from her hair and scowled. "Disguise yourself."

She yanked her hand away from him and then darted her eyes to one of the workers who seemed a little too nice to her customers. Above her head a lightbulb seemed to be flickering on and off. It was the stupidest idea she's ever had but she was sure it would work when the man they were after looked like he had one an a half of a brain cell.

She unbuttoned her coat and shoved it into Feitan's chest, along with her purse and jewelry.

"What are you doing?"

"Disguising myself." Was all she said before walking over to the worker.

He blinked, trying to figure out what she was planning but whatever she had in mind couldn't be good. He held tightly to her coat, looking around the dance floor to occasionally keep an eye on their target. He watched as the worker laughed, before wrapping her arms around (y/n), walking her over to the back of the club. They both disappeared into a room, many other girls running after them.

sinful little thing // feitan portorWhere stories live. Discover now