Work partner/Helena

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a lil smut beginning

"Oh Helena don't stop..." I moaned eyes closed from the pleasure as her fingers massaged my sensitive areas.
"Let go for mommy, my princess" she whispered almost soothingly while her fingertips pressed my arching clit.
I was close until she suddenly stopped and started calling my name.
"Y/n wake up!"

As I woke up from my sex dream I sat up on my trailers couch with a gasp, sweating and saw smirking Helena in front of me.

The same Helena, I had been crushing on for the whole time we had been working together in the set of a movie... The same Helena I just had a wet dream about.

"Oh hey Helena" I said awkwardly.

How had she got in to my trailer? I locked the door. Or did I?

"Nap time is over! We gotta keep filming. You didn't show up, so they asked me to come and tell you that you are late" she told me smiling.
"Oh yea right, sorry! I didn't sleep so well last night and apparently I forgot to set an alarm" I sighed and got up from the couch.
"Oh yea don't worry" she said smiling.

We arrived to the set chatting about the scenes we had to shoot today and quickly got our places. We had to play a secret couple. The movie was about the year 1960 and our characters both had husbands, it had started with just sex, but now they were too attached to each others. Today we had to film a scene of our characters passionately making love to each other, which kind of got me nervous, since that was exactly what I wanted to do with Helena in real life.

~after the scenes are shoot~

"Well that was intense" I chuckled.
"Yea definitely" Helena laughed.
"So I'll nip to the bathroom before I am leaving home! Bye Helena" I waved goodbyes and made my way to the bathrooms.

I leaned to the sink and took a deep breath. What am I going to do? I have a fucking crush to a 55 years old woman, my working partner. I took one last deep breath and left the bathrooms. I found my way to my car and opened the doors.

Fuck, I need to go to grocery

My fridge in home was emptier than my fucking soul right now and I was tired. But I needed food. I parked my car in front of the grocery store and stamped to the store. I quickly grabbed some food from the shelves and headed to the checkout until I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Y/n!" I heard Helena's voice behind me.

My eyes widened in shock as I wasn't prepared to see her right now.


I turned around smiling to see a waving Helena walk towards me with a basket full of food.

"Hey Helena! What are you doing here?" I asked smiling.
"Oh, just to get some filling to my empty fridge to my empty house. The kids are at their dad's" Helena said smiling.
"Okay! Good for you to get a night for just for yourself" I chuckled.
"Nahh... I don't like to be alone so much! It's a big house to be alone" she chuckled sadly.
"Oh well not that good then!" I laughed.
"What about you?" Helena asked.
"Yea same as you actually! I don't have the kids, but the empty fridge and empty house I do have" I chuckled.

Helena didn't answer right away. She seemed to think about her options.

"What if you came to my place? I wouldn't need to be alone and neither did you!" Helena exclaimed.
"Nooo I don't want to be a burden. Thank you anyways for the invitation!" I turned the offer down politely.
"Please come! You are not a burden and who am I going to share this ridiculously expensive wine with if you don't come drink it with me?" Helena giggled and showed me the bottle of red wine from her basket.
"Well... Maybe you can drink it all by yourself! Have a great night Helena" I smiled and turned around.
"No! Really! Please!" She placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me, causing a swarm of butterflies swarm through my body.
"Okay... If you are sure I won't be a burden" I said firmly.
"Of course you are not a burden!"

We paid everything we had to buy and drove to Helena's. I followed her in my car through expensive looking streets to her house.

"Okay we are here!" Helena exclaimed smiling.
"It looks beautiful" I admired her beautiful, big house.
"Ah thank you love" she giggled softly.

We walked in to the house in comfortable silence and Helena showed me my room where I was going to sleep the night. Helena left me alone to my room for a moment.

I sat on my bed and took a deep breath. I was so madly in love with this woman and she doesn't even know that.

I made my way to the kitchen and was met with the sight of Helena trying to reach wineglasses from the top shelf. She was too short to get the glasses, so I decided to help her out a little.

"You need help?" I smiled.

She flinched, since she hadn't noticed me standing there and I giggled at her.

"Oh y/n darling I didn't notice you there!" She giggled her hand on her chest from the little shock.
"Hah you're adorable" I giggled and made my way next to her.

She moved away from the shelves so I had some space to get the glasses. I wasn't a lot longer than her, just maybe one inch. I took the glasses out of the closet and gave them to Helena.

"Oh bless your heart" she said smiling.

As she walked past me, I was almost certain that her free hand touched my ass, but came to the conclusion that I had just imagined everything.

"And now we are going to drink wine!" Helena exclaimed clapping her hands together in exitement.

~time skip~

We both were quite drunk at this point. We had been drinking a lots of wine and talking and laughing and joking. We had had great time.

"And then he said that I was too short for the role!" Helena told me stories about her acting career laughing.
"Well you are short!" I giggled drinking more wine.

She acted offended, but bursted out laughing then and there and so did I. We laughed like there is no tomorrow for a long time, but suddenly Helena stopped and looked me dead in the eyes.

"What" I asked still giggling a little.
"I heard your dream earlier today" she said with stern voice.

My face probably lost all the color as I heard those words spilling from her mouth.

"Helena... I- I can explain" And suddenly I felt more sober than in a long while and so did she.
"You don't need to" Helena whispered and bit her lip.

My heart was pounding in my chest and my throat was dry. I just stayed still, quiet and so did she... Until with one swift movement she was on top of me, her knees on the both sides of my waist. She gently cupped my face in between both of her hands and took a second to just look in to my eyes. Neither of us even blinked. No sound was heard until suddenly she kissed me. I kissed back. It was a long, passionate and loving kiss. Our lips moved in sync for a long time, our breaths uneven, until we had to pull back.

"Wha-" I whispered, but she cut me off with another deep and long kiss.

I moaned in to the perfect feeling of her soft, plump lips on mine, which made her smile in to the kiss. This time I pulled back before she did. She looked disappointed, which made me feel horrible.

"Helena we both are drunk" I sighed matter of factly.
"Don't you like me?" she looked extremely sad.
"No! No Helena it's not that!"
"I- I am sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you! You don't even like me! Oh my god how could I have been so stupid... Please forgive me y/n!" She started hyperventilating and crying hysterically and got up from my lap.
"No Helena you silly thing!" I stopped her and pulled her back from her wrist to one more kiss.

It took her a second to melt to the kiss from her shock, but eventually we were kissing lovingly once again.

"I really like you Helena" I said after we both pulled back for air.
"I really really like you too" Helena said smiling happily, her eyes still glowing from her previous tears.

"Oh come here you daft thing" I dragged her to lay next to me.

We cuddled up on her couch whispering sweet nothings to each others ears. I stroked her hair until I heard her soft snoring.

Wow I am lucky...

A/N: oki this one has been on my drafts for weeks cuz I hate it, buuut I'm having a massive writer's block rn and haven't updated anything in a while sooo I just publish it now lol idk

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