Our relationship is toxic/Julia

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TW people a bit drunk here :)

"SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LEAVE THIS ROOM!" Julia yelled in pure anger.
"Julia please can we talk about this?" I cried and tried to go hug her, but she pulled away and pushed me back, hurting me a little.
"NO! WE ARE NOT TALKING, YOU- YOU LITTLE SLUT!" She yelled, now tears coating her own eyes.

I had been at a party with some "friends" from my old school. It was a pretty big party, which had eventually gotten a little out of hand. Everyone was drunk and some random girl had made a bright purple hickey right in the middle of my neck. Julia saw it when I came back to the Collinwood mansion a bit after middle night and got raging. I was just crying apologies and telling that it meant nothing and I barely even knew the girl. Everyone else, who lived in the mansion was out of the town.

Julia was a bit drunk herself too, she drank a bit to distract herself, while you were out, because she was so worried that something would happen to you.

I understood the anger and where the hurtful words came from, but it still hurt like hell to hear those word coming from the person, who I loved the most in this world.

"HOW CAN YOU CALL ME THAT?" I screamed through my tears.
"BECAUSE IT IS TRUE! YOU SLEPT WITH SOMEONE ELSE AND I- I CAN'T STAND THE SIGHT OF YOU! GET THE FUCK AWAY!" her eyes were flaming of anger and to be honest I felt a little scared at that moment.

"I fucking hate you" I whispered firmly.
"Oh trust me, the feeling is mutual" she said calmer than ever.
"I wish I never met you at the first place" I spat through my teeth and left the room.

I ran through the long hallways to my room and shut the door. Immediately I collapsed to the door and cried till I couldn't anymore. How could she say such hurtful things? I had told her that the girl in the party meant nothing and that the only thing that happened was the hickey, that there was no sex or even kissing, which was the absolute truth, but she still had the audacity to call me a slut. She was toxic and so was our relationship. So it was probably better that it ended. But I still couldn't stop myself from missing her. I wanted her cuddles. I needed her cuddles for sleep, because I was so used to them every single night. I couldn't bare life without her. How was I supposed to go to sleep this night or any other night without her. I loved her.

Julia wasn't doing so great either. She had poured herself whiskey and smoked a smoke, but nothing seemed to help with her sorrow. She felt extremely bad for talking to you like that. She also was hurt of your words. Did you really hate her? Did you really wish that you had never met Julia? Of course not, but little did she know, how miserable you were and how bad you felt for saying those things.

This couldn't keep on going like this. I couldn't bare the thought of losing her or sleeping without her loving arms around me.

I got up from the floor and walked back to Julia's room and without knocking walked in. Her gaze turned towards me and she quickly got up from her seat.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" she raised her voice immediately.
"Julia we have to talk. That's what people in relationships do" I interrupted her.
"I am sorry that you are hurt, but like I said, nothing happened. I don't like the girl, I don't even know her name! I love you Julia and only you. I need you and- and I am so utterly in love with you... And I can't bare the thought of losing you"
"But she made you a hickey!" she said still with a raised voice.
"I know! And I am still sorry, but you should be sorry too! You called me a slut!" I started to get frustrated.
"I am sorry" she whispered and collapsed on the floor crying.
"Julia, Julia darling look at me" I kneeled down and turned her face to look at me.
"I am sorry that I called you a slut, I- I didn't mean that I- I was angry and I now realize that you did nothing, but even the thought of someone else kissing you makes me want to cry, because I love you so much y/n" she cried.
"Shh shh it's okay... I am sorry  that I said such an awful things too... I was mad and I'm sorry... I'm so sorry my dear Julia" I teared up again too.
"Do you really wish, you had never met me?" she sniffled on to my neck.
"No, no of course not Julia, my love, I love you and I was miserable before I met you! These past weeks with you have been the best time of my whole life and I have never been happier. Never doubt that" I cried now too.
"I love you, promise to never leave me" Julia whispered through her tears.
"I promise" I whispered rocking her tiny body slightly back and forth on my lap.

Her breaths got more even and sniffles quieter. She was a bit sleepy. She felt safe.

"Come now, love" I slowly helped her up and brought her to her bed.

I laid her on to her bed and turned around. I thought that I'd leave her to sleep in peace, but she definitely didn't want that.

"Where are you going? You promised not to ever leave me" she started to weep a bit again and I rushed back to her.
"I won't I won't... I just thought that you'd want some privacy, but I'm here, I'm here my baby" I whispered and climbed in to the bed with her.

I took my shirt off and dropped in on the floor. Usually Julia was the one hugging me while sleeping, but this time it was the other way around. I wrapped my arms around her petite body and hugged her tight, so she knew that I wasn't leaving. My face was faced towards the back of her neck.

"I love you" I whispered.
"Mmh I love you too" she said almost asleep.
"Julia?" I quietly asked.
"Mmh?" she answered right on the edge of falling asleep.
"How could you ever think that I'd cheat on you" I asked quietly and she turned around to face me.
"I- I don't know... I think I am just insecure... You are so beautiful and young and I am this old lady and I am just constantly scared that you will leave me for someone younger and more beautiful than me" she said quietly, honestly.
"I would never leave you. And the age cap doesn't matter to me. I just love you the way you are. There is no one more beautiful than you, so that is not even possible" she scoffed at that a little.
"Well thank you my sweet"
"Go sleep now, love. I'll be here in the morning" I said and stroked her hair.
"Good night y/n" *
"Night Julia"

A/N: So this little thingy is the way I imagine my beloved Julia in my head when she would be like yk a bit drunk and sad and like that :)

I started writing this in some kind of rage state and I was going to make this chapter some heavy, raging, toxic smut thing, idk what happened to trigger that hah :D Anyways towards the end it just turned out to be fluff haha sry bros ;D I promise there will be Julia smut out soon haha

I was going to save this chapter for later, but idk it's 2 am and I can't sleep so I ended up publishing it now after all :D hope you enjoy

btw i should be up at 6 am but oh well

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