He made models/Sheila

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"Sheila you have a husband..." I sighed as her soft hands traveled around my neck.
"I- I know... But I need you, I need your lips on mine darling... Please, please kiss me now"
"Sheila..." I sighed pulling back.
"No, no don't leave me, I love you, don't go!" She looked too sad.

I deeply kissed the touch starved woman in front of me, which made her smile that cute smile of hers. She loved me and I knew it. She still had a husband, that she didn't want to divorce for some reason. I think she loved him too after all.

"Sheila, we can't keep on doing this..." I whispered in to her mouth.
"Why? Have you found someone else?" her eyes got watery faster than ever.
"No- No I haven't, because I love you, but... But you have a husband and it is too hard for me to be with you, because I know you love him" I said caressing her cheek.
"But I-" I cut her off.
"It is too hard to watch the woman I love watching someone else with that longing and loving look on her face, I can't do this anymore" I said tearing up.
"No darling please don't leave me, I- I love you!" she begged while I was pulling away from her.
"I'm sorry Sheila... We just- We just have to forget that anything happened... Good bye, love" I left her alone to the hallway.

The past few months with her had been the best time of my life, but this was for the best, right...?

Month later

"Hi mum" I walked to the kitchen.
"Hi darling" she said from behind the newspaper.
"Did you hear about that woman from down the street, who stabbed her husband to death, 38 times? It was on the newspaper, look!" she showed me.

It was Sheila... My Sheila...

"Scary that she has been living so close to us! I thought that she was a nice woman, when I've seen her a few times outside" mum sighed.

She stabbed him...

"Has the police caught her?" I breathed out.
"No- no they haven't... So be careful, when you go out" mum tried to warn me.
"Yea... Yea I'll be careful... I have to go, bye!" I left without another word.

I needed to find her. I needed to see her right now. But if the police hadn't found her, how could I?

I ran down the street to her house and tried the door. It wasn't open.


I had been at her house so many times before, that I knew it like my own pockets. I checked around me that there was no one around to see me and sneaked to the backdoor. And like a miracle it was open.

I quietly stepped in and heard something from upstairs. I tiptoed up the stairs and heard that someone was up there. Could it be her? It probably wasn't a smart thing to do, but I had to try.

"Hello?" I called quietly.

For a second it was quiet, until she came out of bedroom with a gun pointed towards me. Her white shirt was covered with blood and she looked a bit crazy with her gun. Soon she realized that it was me and dropped the gun on the floor. She ran to me and hugged me. I melted in to the hug, even tho I should have been scared of her.

She had a fucking gun.

"You- You were gonna shoot me!" I said in shock after a while.
"No- No of course I wasn't going to shoot you, no it's not real. Darling what are you doing here?" she asked with widened eyes and pulled back a little.
"I wanted to see you- you- you killed him! Are you a psychopath?" I said backing up a little.
"No- no I- I am not!" she walked closer to me as I backed up.
"What did he do then?" I asked.
She didn't answer.
"What did he do Sheila, answer me!" I raised my voice.
"He made models" she simply said.
"No- No I mean why did you kill him?" I said in shock as she sat on a sofa.
"I know what you meant. And my answer remains" she took out a cigarette and lit it up.
"You are actually nuts" I whispered in shock.
"No I am not, love listen to me, please" I stayed quiet and she took my hand in hers and pulled me to sit next to her.
"You stabbed him! 38 times Sheila! 38 times!" I yelled with widened eyes.
"Shh... Shh quiet, someone could hear" she shut me down.
"Sheila, what is going on?" I said quietly.
"I- I did it for you, for us I-" she stuttered.
"Sheila you could have just left him! You didn't have to kill him!" I accidentally raised my voice again.
"I know, I just- I snapped and- and well this happened..." she gestured towards her bloody shirt with her eyes.
"You killed a man Sheila" I whispered matter of factly.
"Yea I know, can you stop repeating it!" she got frustrated that the conversation wasn't going anywhere.
"Sorry" I looked down.
"It's okay, I- I just uhm..." it was quiet for a minute until she spoke again.
"I am going to turn myself in" she said firmly.
"No! No Sheila you can't! I need you! And if you are in jail, I can't see you or be with you, you- you can't do that to me, please Sheila don't! We- We can run away together! To the Dolomites, that you have always been wanting to go, in Italy!" I got up from the sofa.
"Darling... You can't just run away... You have your school and family and friends here... You're just 18 years old you can't just run away with some old lady" she chuckled.
"Yes, yes I can, I love you and I want to be with you! All I need is you with me!" I got excited.
"Okay- okay uhm... We need to think... I- I-" she said not knowing what to do.
"I'll ask my best friend to book us flights to Italy, she will help, I'll pay her back later, you go pack your stuff and take something for me too, we'll be ready, leaving to Italy downstairs in 30 minutes, alright?" I said clearly.

She nodded and left to pack her stuff. I needed to call my friend.

"y/n?" Sophia answered my call.
"Oh Soph thank god you answered, I need your help" I quickly said.

I briefly explained her everything and it would be underestimating to say she was shocked. But she was a great friend and wanted to help.

"So you want me to book you both flights so you wont get caught by the police, am I correct?" I nodded but realized, she couldn't see me nodding so I replied with a hum.

"Love, you do know, that you both are still very possibly gonna get caught and since you are escaping with a murderer, you are probs going to jail too" she said not believing her ears.
"I love her... You know I do... She is not crazy, she just... Ugh Soph please..." I begged on the verge of tears.
"Alright alright... Of course I'll help you out"

And so she did. She booked us the first flight to Italy and I couldn't be happier. Of course I was worried about how it would go, but I trusted the plan.

"Ready! I hope we find somewhere where we can dance" she rushed down the stairs in a new, clean shirt, with the most beautiful smile on her face.
"I'm sure we will" I replied, happy that she was so glad to leave this house.
"I bought this... Myself... Never even showed it to him" she chuckled, while showing me this amazing red shiny dress she had in her hands.
"It is so beautiful, like you" she smiled at that.
"Just wait till you see it on! It's lamé... So it catches the light!" she said so excited that it made me giggle.
"Fancy!" I was happy to see her this excited.
"Mhm, isn't it" she giggled.

I kissed her on the lips. It was full of love. Love that had been shut down for the longest time, because of... Well everything... Everyone would think that I was crazy to go with the woman... That we were crazy. But nothing could have stopped me from loving this woman anymore. She didn't expect the kiss but melted in to it immediately. She wasn't used to this kind of physical affection. She moaned in to the kiss and hugged me from around my low waist.

"Let's go" I said taking her hand.

We got out of the house. There was no people outside, which was good. No one would see us leaving. I looked at my house that was quite close to Sheila's for the last time. I felt bad for my mother, but I couldn't stay here. Not without the woman I loved, not without Sheila. I would tell her what I had done later... In someway I would let her know why I left...

"Are you alright dear?" she asked looking at me. I looked at her and nodded.

We took Sheila's car and drove to the airport. It was getting late and the airport wasn't too busy. We looked like normal people going for a vacation. No one paid attention to us. Thankfully.


Our plane got off the ground. I held her hand in mine. She looked terrified and I quickly realized that she was afraid of flying. She had told me that months earlier. When we were just in a secret relationship.

"Baby, it'll be alright, don't worry" I stroked the palm of her little hand softly.
"I know..." she said keeping a tight hold on my hand.
"I love you" she whispered.
"I love you too Sheila" and in that moment I couldn't have been happier.

A/N: It's a short one ik, but i started writing this a million years ago, when the cleaner came out and suddenly I found this from my drafts lmao, Sheila baby deserved better (on my opinion yall dont attack me) and may this be the possible other way that her story could have ended haha! love ya xxxxx

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