Part 7

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*⚠️ mentioning of panick attacks, physical abuse*

When I woke up the next day and remembered what happend the day before I felt amazing but then remembered that I was going home for a few days, my happiness dissapeared.
I've been living on my own for about 3 years now and I love it.
I haven't been home for a few weeks.

Yeah, I was excited to see my parents and to be back home but not my brother... Adam.
Even though he is a few years older he still lives with our parents...he is 27.

He's been so weird since we were little. He's never had a girlfriend/boyfriend. He has anger issues. One day you think he loves you and the other day he could kill you.
I dont like being alone with him so I visit our parents when he isnt at home or when I know my parents will be there the whole time.

I got up from my bed and got ready for leaving.

I knocked on the door and seconds after my mum opened.

"Y/n! Hi, Im so happy to see you."
She said while hugging me. Then my dad appeared.

"Back home, y/n?"
He said, laughed and hugged me too.
"Hi, dad."

To be exact he is not my dad. He is my step dad. My biological dad left us when I was one year old baby.
Im so grateful that Mike is in my life. He always treated me so well, like I was his own daughter. I dont really care who is my biological father because for me, my dad is the one who cares.

"Come on, lunch is ready in a minute."
My mum said and left to the kitchen.

"Wheres Adam?"
"I dont really know...he left this morning and will probably be back in the evening."

Then my dad took my bag and took it to my old bedroom.
It brought back so many memories, both good and bad.
A wall full of photos from when I was little.

"Look at this one..."
My dad said, pointing at one of the pictures on the wall. It was picture of all four of us on a vacation from 15 years ago.
Everything was so easy back then. I had no idea how cruel world can be, how selfish some poeple can be and that the only one you can believe in, is yourself.

"Oh and this one!"
He laughed and pointed to another one.
"You fell off the bike and hurt your knee but still smiled for the photo because you thought it was funny."
"Yeah, I remember...I still have a scar right under my left knee."

We both laughed and then he pointed to another one while we sat on my old bed.
"You were 16 on this one...when you were little everybody called you "Sun" because you always smiled and barely cried...something changed, you barely smile now...since the day I found yo-"

"Y/n! Mike! Lunch is ready..."

I looked at my dad and was really grateful that my mum called us downstairs.

*flashback - few years ago* ⚠️
I was having a full on panick attack in my room that day.
"Y/n do you wanna g- y/n!"
Mike came into my room. It was the first time somebody saw me like that.
It was the day when I told him everything what was going on in my life.
How my brother treated me, that he slapped me a few times.
How I want to moved out because I couldnt live like that anymore.
That I didn't want to live anymore.

And he listened to every single word I said.
He said he knew that something wasn't okay but didn't want to pressure me into anything.

Than we made a deal that we won't tell my mum about it because we didn't want to stress her or something.
He helped me with convincing my mum that I can live on my own and then helped me choose a flat about 2 hours from our house.

*end of the flashback* ⚠️

We got up from the bed and walked out of my old bedroom.
Before we went downstairs he stopped me by my arm.

"Im just really happy you're back home...even if it's just for a few days. We missed you."

"I missed you too...I promise I'll start comming over more."

He hugged me tightly.

"Okay...lets go now."

"Mum, it smells amazing."
"Thanks, honey. Now sit down and eat."

It was nice being back home.

We spend the whole evening talking and it felt nice.
I really did miss them.
When it got cold we went back inside and found some old albums with our photos.
My dad had a story for almost every photo in them. I honestly dont remember smilling and laughing that much in a long time...maybe a few years.

*next day*

When I woke up I felt really good, excited for the day.
Then I realised I left my phone at flat.
I slowly got up and get dressed before going back downstairs.

"Good morning mum, dad."
"Good morning y/n. How'd you sleep?"

"Perfect actually. You?"
"Really good. It's gonna rain today so I found so other albums that we can look through and then we can watch some movies...sounds good?"
My dad said while we both helped my mum to made some breakfast.
"Yes. Sounds perfect."

"Good morning."
My brother said when he stole some toasts from the table.

"Hey! Dont eat it, it's not ready yet."
"Chill, bro. Dont kill me."

-yes, he calls me bro and it annoys the sh*t out if me.

I rolled my eyes and went back to the kitchen.

The rest of the weekend was pretty same and we enjoyed every single day.
I finally started to think that we were normal family again.
"Maybe my life is getting better again" I thought.

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